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Author Topic: Event History viewing  (Read 5041 times)


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Event History viewing
« on: December 30, 2019, 06:19:40 PM »

Have HG v1.2-stable.35, that was loaded and further morphed (maybe violated?) from the Tuicemen image, running on a new PiZeroW.

BTW, thanks to all who have contributed to the X10PiHub and HG helps. It has put a bit of a skip back into my hop these last 3 weeks. I have also loaded and enjoyed many of the HGX files posted. Have also read most every little treasure of information posted in these forums. It has has kept me inside, but entertained, while recovering from every ailment other than flu the last 3 weeks.

Have viewed the HG Log File that shows Today or Yesterday and can be downloaded via HG's System Options. Lots of information. Overwhelming, in fact, when what I was hoping to find was something like the AHP Pro's event listing that just shows a time table of all the RF, Macro, and Module plus actions. From the Dashboard I have assembled,  I can see the last time a module was activated via its widget. On the Android app, I can also see an event history of each individual module. Just can't see a collection.

There is an option under Maintenance-User Interface labeled Event History that can be Enabled. Have had it enabled for the last 3 days. Have not found any widget or program that can display the history. I have looked through the config backups for a file that might contain the history and I have even stopped the PiHub to see if something is on the SD that might contain the history.

There have been fleeting mentions of "Events History" in this forum and others but they had to do with an older version of HG that kept disabling the Event History option. I do not have that problem. Just don't know where that history goes to be found and exploited plus I am not even sure it contains what I hope to find. Could use someone's finger to point my nose in the right direction.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2019, 06:47:51 PM »

All the log information you need is located here


Morph away at your leisure. It’s all free open source software to use.


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2019, 11:22:50 PM »

Thanks petera.

After a quick indoctrination on Linux tree and file structure, gratis Google Search, I navigated to the SD Card directory you instructed by using PuTTY.
I found a file named homegenie.log. Using nano, I viewed some of the file.

The contents resemble what I get when I am in HomeGenie, and then via menu, select Configure-System Options-Log file-Download. I get a CSV file with every detailed chronological action of the program. But alas, I could not find when any of my many X-10 modules activated or deactivated.

Via the same HomeGenie menu, I can select Configure-User Interface-Events History. When that history is Enabled, I am presuming it creates a different file. What I hope to find is something that has information resembling an Activity Listing not unlike that of ActiveHomePro fame. But I am an optimist. I awake some days hoping there is a Lambo in my garage. Instead I see my well weathered steed. Then I crack a smile. I am paying much much less on insurance than if I had a Lamborghini.


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2019, 07:06:18 AM »

Thanks petera.

After a quick indoctrination on Linux tree and file structure, gratis Google Search, I navigated to the SD Card directory you instructed by using PuTTY.
I found a file named homegenie.log. Using nano, I viewed some of the file.

The contents resemble what I get when I am in HomeGenie, and then via menu, select Configure-System Options-Log file-Download. I get a CSV file with every detailed chronological action of the program. But alas, I could not find when any of my many X-10 modules activated or deactivated.

Via the same HomeGenie menu, I can select Configure-User Interface-Events History. When that history is Enabled, I am presuming it creates a different file. What I hope to find is something that has information resembling an Activity Listing not unlike that of ActiveHomePro fame. But I am an optimist. I awake some days hoping there is a Lambo in my garage. Instead I see my well weathered steed. Then I crack a smile. I am paying much much less on insurance than if I had a Lamborghini.

Ok in Configure->Maintenance->User Interface->Events History-Enable. Now go back to the Dashboard and in the top right hand corner of the screen you should see a blue button. Click on it and you will see all the events and you can filter out the ones you want. Hope your Lamborghini is fired up now  :)%


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2019, 07:17:21 AM »

@shtckt, I noticed in your OP that you stated your running HG 1.2-stable3.5, If that is not a typo you realy need to update HG as it is at 1.3-stable5
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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2020, 10:28:13 AM »

Every user doesn't need to be on the same version of HG to get its benefits.  HG has been very stable for several years (even before the last return and departure of Gene).  In fact, my main system was running v525 for ages without any issue.  If I were installing a new setup, I'd certainly use the final release version.  However, if a user has a stable setup on a version and they don't need a new feature or a bug fixed, I would hesitate to recommend they update without cause.  Many of the users here have been hand fed their HG installation.  If it's working, why risk them breaking it unless you want to help them fix it?  If it's working, don't touch it.   :'


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2020, 11:38:29 AM »

Every user doesn't need to be on the same version of HG to get its benefits. 
True. However Gene did add several enhancements since v1.2-stable.35 and removed obsolete non working items replacing them with working ones. As well HG is now more secure as it no longer uses basic authorization.
Shtckt is a relatively new user of HomeGenie, thus should be learning on the newest version.
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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2020, 12:47:59 PM »

Updating to the latest version certainly wouldn't help shtckt with his dilemma. I wouldn't imagine he's a novice user either as he navigated the file system in Raspbian to find the HG log, something other users here struggle to do.

As Bkenobi mentioned we managed fine on v 1.1 r525 for long enough until the brief return of the author to add a few minor enhancements, one of which I requested a while back, support for the CM19 as the CM15 was no longer being manufactured in Europe. HG being a Euro centric application this made sense to him.

After that little or no development occurred. In fact the big omission as far as I can see was the lack of official support for Alexa integration. Not one of my big concern but this can be clearly seen on the X10 forum as users were clambering for it. It appeared to be a deal breaker for most. Yes one experienced contributor to the HG project with real coding experience provided a solution to a fork of the HG project but it was purely for their own use and has not been maintained.

The most successful and enduring home automation applications in the open source world are community based. Unfortunately HG is no longer in the game on that front. Many of the original coders/contributors have moved on to bigger and better things. The result of this is that support for newer technologies is just not available unless a user can create this support themselves. I doubt there are too many users of HG via the X10 forum that can do this.

As a direct replacement for AHP, HG is more than a capable candidate but the user really needs to familiarize themselves with its workings. It's not AHP and never will be but it is a powerful application for those who have the desire to explore its potential and do a bit of research.

I don't see any developer taking on the challenge of developing and expanding HG beyond its current state unless a true coder/designer comes along to take up the challenge or Gene returns (I'm not holding my breath on that one)  :)%


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2020, 07:09:30 PM »

Sorry for the hiatus. Been here, been there, mostly been over. Kind of painful to sit and type when the lower back is being diva. Hopefully temporary but it was too easy to get it to hurt this time.

I tend to agree with Bkenobi. I designed and worked for 42 years on power generation and distribution systems and even some control systems. The most pain I had was when an end user wanted improvements. If it ain't broke, don't fix it....was my motto. But will have to admit when it is something of mine, I have a hard time denying that urge to improve.

Did not do much hard core programming in my past but was able to understand the programming. So I am a novice to what it takes for HG modifications from scratch. Been a blessing to have some many programs already written that I can edit to suit needs.

One item was written above about the inevitable problems with not keeping current on OS and programs plus the certificates issue. That last point got me concerned. So, taking my backup SD card, I attempted to upgrade the OS and HG. Tried from within HG to upgrade.  Even after rebooting, some programs would not run or would not run well. I verified the appropriate programs were enabled and configured.I would reimage the SD again with a backup I made and restarted updates. Still would not work. I read elsewhere about how to update within Linux. I double checked instructions as I typed them. Still got a crippled system that would take many times longer to boot, if it did boot. Just could not mimic the requirements others have successfully navigated.

Saw Tuicemen's Buster image was ripe and finally ready for prime time. I leaped. With my notes from the earlier HG installation on my scheduled items, settings, etc., it was tedious but familiar. Thank heavens HG's menu system did not radically change if at all. I had kept a set of folders on my laptops Desktop so introducing Bkenobi's and Tuicemen's programs was installed easily. I am back up and running, and no problems, after a fun filled single day.

Petera, thanks for the tip on the button in the upper right corner of HG. Would see that light flash now and then but had no clue it was a window into the log. That log is still a potpourri of notices with the X10 module status peppered in. Maybe this log is something I can eventually sort to get just a X10 status. There are some things that worked for me from AHP like the activities listing. But I am much happier with having the X10PiHub than AHP even without the activity list.



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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2020, 07:30:37 PM »

As I thought. You're not the typical AHP user and no novice  rofl I put these simple instructions together a while back that quite a number of users have managed to deploy successfully. This gives you your own unique installation of HG on Raspbian Buster. You should try them

As I mentioned earlier you can filter out what you need using the filter options on the bottom of the screen once you click on the blue light.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 07:54:48 PM by petera »


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2020, 11:21:23 AM »

Keeping the OS up to date is important if you want to keep it secure and continue to use it in relation to connectivity (notifications for instance).  I primarily meant that the HG software hasn't changed significantly and, at least in the past, Gene added things that were in work which could result in issues.  Since he considers the project complete, I doubt that would be an issue.

I am an analyst by trade and used to keep all of my tools up to date on the current version while my coworkers stayed on known stable versions.  More times than I'd like to admit, I was on the phone trying to fix things with the supplier while my coworkers giggled and continued working.  Eventually I learned that unless you require a new feature or a fix, it is often better to stay on a stable release.  I hate being on outdated software, but I've learned over time that fighting wars that don't need to be waged is very draining!   B:(


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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2020, 12:49:25 PM »

Keeping the OS up to date is important if you want to keep it secure and continue to use it in relation to connectivity (notifications for instance).  I primarily meant that the HG software hasn't changed significantly and, at least in the past, Gene added things that were in work which could result in issues.  Since he considers the project complete, I doubt that would be an issue.

I am an analyst by trade and used to keep all of my tools up to date on the current version while my coworkers stayed on known stable versions.  More times than I'd like to admit, I was on the phone trying to fix things with the supplier while my coworkers giggled and continued working.  Eventually I learned that unless you require a new feature or a fix, it is often better to stay on a stable release.  I hate being on outdated software, but I've learned over time that fighting wars that don't need to be waged is very draining!   B:(

And wisdom comes from a few more grey hairs  rofl

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Re: Event History viewing
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2020, 10:42:25 AM »

And wisdom comes from a few more grey hairs  rofl
I gotta write3 this down so I can remember it.
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