I started a thread in the Homegenie.club forum Asking: How users have improved the performance of HG?
While waiting for some answers I did a bit of research and testing on my own.
What I found is a lot can be done to the PI OS and other things which made me think users of the PiX10Hub could benefit from my findings.
I believe there are loads of things you can do to speed things up. These are a few that worked for me.
However prior to doing these make sure your SD card is a fast class 10 not a slow class 2
In HomeGenie:1:Disabling logging and only use that when needed.
2:Disable and remove any program not in use or needed.
3:Flush you modules to remove thouse you may have tried but removed from groups.
4:Delete the X10securityRF file, this will get regenerated with x10 rf which you only use now.
5: Disable & remove (if possible) interfaces not in use.
6: Don’t use backgrounds for your groups.
7: keep groups small (don't have all modules in one group)
8: purge log files
I’m sure there are more things you can do in HG and will add to this as I try them if I notice any improvement.
Improving HA-Bridge:1:Be sure it is up to date if you use this for Alexa.
2:disable logging and only enable it when trouble shooting
3: in the bridge control tab scroll down to UPNP send delay and decrease its value I've set mine to 450 from the 650 default.
As for things other then in HG & HA-Bridge on a Pi1:Run htop and stop anything that is running and isn’t required.
In the raspi-config
1:disable the desktop if loading
2: In advanced settings make sure you have expanded the file system.
3: make sure your memory split for the GPU is set to 16
Outside raspi-config
1: clean up left over files from upgrades and package installs
sudo apt-get clean && sudo sudo apt-get autoremove -y (my tuicemen tools includes this)
2: free up unused memory (my tuicemen tools includes this)
sudo sysctl vm.drop_caches=1 && sudo sysctl vm.drop_caches=2 && sudo sysctl vm.drop_caches=3 && sync
3: if your still running Stretch consider upgrading to Buster (it realy is faster)
4: Pi boards are low power devices and anything additional plugged into it can be stealing power so we need to limit those things A pi Zero W only has one USb port unless you add a header or multiport. I found there is a way to turn off the power going to the HDMI port If your running headless you don’t need that.
5: Do an sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade regularly newer drivers usually work better and faster and do #1 afterwards.
6: Consider using a USB stick or USB SSD I doubt a SSD will be any better then a stick as it is limited to the speed a USB port can supply. However Petediscrete may go into the way he done it(not sure if he is using a ZeroW with the SSD) you'd need extra USB Ports to do this and a virgin Zero W doesn't have any extras.
Here’s how you would do a USB stick (testing this now)