I've been working on a installer to install the PiX10Hub to any Linux machine and on any future Linux OS build, it works flawless on my Pi boards and mini PC.
However I'll not post this (the interest & help just wasn't there).
The next PiX10Hub image will however include a version of it and work on (hopefully) any Pi board including the Zero W.
I may at some point post that installer which can be modified to work with any Linux machine and any future build if one wishes.
The new (Buster) image is simular to the PiX10Hub Stretch version 2 in that it includes only a vanilla Homegenie no X10 setup, just factory settings. Since this is a base HG install I'm wondering if like the Stretch version a backup should be offered that includes a simple X10 setup for a CM15 with
maybe a couple popular user created programs (not just ones posted on the X10 forums)
When will it be posted? Well that depends on input and interest.