I will post the pull request and also add some more info for my post on the Home Genie Club too (and take a look around there).
It happened to be snowing this morning (well, freezing rain but that gets reported as snow). I noticed the Weather Widget only shows 0 in of rain.
So I played around with it some more and have a version 2.0 for my changes now (see image)
I will show Snow (the word, as there is no icon for the white snow like rain) with the rate if its > o otherwise the snow info should not appear. I also noticed it can be snowing and raining in the reported info, so I will show both if that is true, and similar to what I did with the snow rate, if the rain rate is 0 I will not show it. I also am reporting the rain and snow rates with 2 decimal places as we were getting less than an inch of each and it made sense to show a number and not just 0.
And then I played around with the formatting (i.e. moved the wind speed under the weather icon, indented things) so it hopefully looks nicer. Updated program and widget also attached if you are interested.