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Author Topic: PS561 Console horn. Selectable?  (Read 3911 times)


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PS561 Console horn. Selectable?
« on: April 05, 2020, 06:53:51 PM »


Thank you for letting me in.  I have been lurking here for a while looking to modify my PS561 a little bit.  I have not found what I am looking for with search, so I thought I would ask directly.

I have a PS561 console that I use with DS10A window/door sensors.  I've used this system off and on over the years and have been very happy with it.  I normally set up a perimeter and use the console in "run 2" as a "ding" notifier.

The one thing that I would change is the console horn.  I thought of installing a switch on the console horn pz inputs to allow me to enable/disable the sound blaster when I want.   But if I do that I will also interrupt the run 2 "ding" that I use.

Is there a way to selectively disable the console horn and keep the ding? 

The whole picture is that I want to install external horns outside of the living area.  And at command or in the case of an alarm event have those sound.  While at the same time not blasting the console location with sound.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.
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