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Author Topic: Quality of the XPDI3 leaves a little to be desired.  (Read 15813 times)


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Quality of the XPDI3 leaves a little to be desired.
« on: May 18, 2020, 02:32:45 PM »

I have installed several XPDI3 Inductive Dimmers as well as several XPS4 Switches and XPSS Companion switches in my home.

The XPS4 and XPSS switches use screws to connect to the wiring.
The XPS4 and XPSS switches have plastic faceplates that attach firmly.
The XPS4 and XPSS switches have a nice tactile feedback when pressing.
Overall, I feel that the XPS4 and XPSS switches are a high quality product.

The XPDI3, on the other hand:
...has pigtails and wirenuts to connect to the wiring; This crowds the junction box and results in a sloppier install.
...has a chintzier feeling plastic faceplate and a small button on the bottom that falls off.
...the looser plastic faceplate results in a sloppier feeling button press.

I'm wondering if I may have gotten a bad batch of components or have others found the same deal?

Perhaps the plastic molds used on the XPS4 and XPSS switches can be used to make the XPDI3 Inductive Dimmer and result in a more quality feeling part.
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