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Author Topic: Triggering HomeGenie Macros via Alexa and or Google  (Read 4114 times)


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Triggering HomeGenie Macros via Alexa and or Google
« on: January 16, 2022, 10:11:50 AM »

This probably isn't anything new to longtime HG users. ::) :'
I knew it was possible to trigger HomeGenie devices (x10, Zwave .....) via voice and the HomeGenie API, that's how HA-Bridge does it.
With the HG Helper in HA-Bridge it made me lazy.
The last couple of days I've been playing with the API to Arm/Disarm and even trip the security system Alarm (Panic) with success. :)%
 -:) So I thought about creating a simple wizard script and see if I could also run it using the API, and you can. :)%
You could use the API calls in HA-Bridge (if it works for you) or use an Alexa & or Google skill (like "TRIGGERcmd SmartHome")

I've done all my recent Alexa testing with the "TRIGGERcmd SmartHome" Skill as my HA-Bridge fails to see new device at my city place.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 12:37:09 PM by Tuicemen »
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Adding an Alexa voice responce to a HG program.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2022, 09:00:49 AM »

This is possible using Voice Monkey (VM) but also with TRIGGERcmd (TC). VM maybe easier to setup for this but I don't  use it.
 Since I use TC and have been playing with the different TC skills I knew there should be a way. As it turns out you can call a TC configured script with a curl call. 8) Even better the developer created a tool "tcmd" which makes this even simpler.
 You can even add this inside a script and adding this to the end of a script you can trigger the call and even make it depending on the results.  8)
 I started playing with time and found Alexa sees the time call as a button press and this allows you to use the routines to have Alexa respond with any number of things.
 So I tried creating a simple virtual TC script that just echoed OK ( nothing fancy ) I then created a routine that had Alexa play a song on my office dot when that device was tripped.  Back in my raspberry command line I typed " "sudo ./tcmd -t" ( is the name of my virtual script) I got a message trigger sent OK and in my office Alexa started playing music 8)
 I'm sure VM can do the same.
 Although I have set this up with HG on a Pi, I know you could set  this up with any HA software. The tcmd tool and TC will work on any OS. >!
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