sorry to leave you out, tuicemen. I
certainly have no hard data to guess
whether 10% of the units are working "as
advertised", or 90%, and can only speculate
why some units work, and others don't.
Tuicemen - was it your first unit that
works well, or an exhcnage / replacement /
later diagnostic unit? One thing that
makes me a bit suspicious of X10, is they
have never provided any feedback about what
was learned (if anything) from the
diagnostic units. In fact, didn't really
seem to have mch interest in collecting the
data. Maybe these diag. units really have
had some bugs fixed, bt due to the expense,
rather than a full recall, they only gave
them out to those that squeaked the
loudest? I've got 1 unit left , one of the
original ones, and the 1 year warranty
expires in about a month. I have so little
confidence in a replacement unit that I am
hesitant to invest $6 in the return postage
to get it replaced...maybe I'll give in.