I hope X10 is working on this sleeping VA11A
problem. It happens every day, sometimes
often during the day. Today I was working in
the yard and triggered motion sensors
multiple times, but when I checked iWitness
for the saved snapshots - there were none.
Zero for the entire day, as the VA11A must
have taken it's siesta early. Again,
restarting AHP fixed things. When the
iWitness viewer has been left running I will
find a frozen image rather than a splash
screen, and can right click to adjust
resolution and that is enough to get it's
attention. If the viewer has to be opened I
will find all four cams with splash screen
only and AHP must be restarted. I'm trying
to be specific about this as it's becoming
quite bothersome, and FWIW I did not have
this problem with MultiView.