Wow! I don't feel alone anymore. I spent a
lot of money "I think" on a system that is
barely operational and low in quality/high in
I bought 4 wired cameras thinking that would
atleast keep me from having to purchase so
many batteries and "hoping" that through a
wall would work with wireless. Well X10
doesn't support wired cameras as much as they
do wireless in their software or hardware
I bought 4 Xcam wired cameras, connected that
back to a Quad processor so that the signal
could come into the USB cable to Active
Home/Iwitness. Picture Quality is poor at
best, unless like stated earlier, your
"victim" is within 5 feet of the camera. I'm
using this in a store.
I mounted these towards the top of the
ceiling on the wall, about 9' up. They move
left/right and up/down, but whenever I do
that and angle a picture to the side, I get a
diamond shaped picture sent back.
Iwitness, I'm sorry, is barely operational.
They promote you to buy motion sensors...why?
Why can't the image coming in have "HOT"
areas that when they change then the images
are stored or recorded. I know they want to
sell more of these damn sensors and support
the battery industry, but this software is
not the best solution and unfortunately, I'm
not aware of what other solutions are out
there. You get lulled into by the price, but
unless you are 110% sure it does what you
want, be prepared for some sweat and blood
trying to get everything together.
I had so many of these adapter units I had to
buy a 24 outlet power strip. Granted they
weren't all X10, but X10 was half of them.
Oh, I didn't mention, I've been in IT for
over 20 years with certifications and a
Masters degree. I guess that's why I think
there is a better way. You know they talk
about this stuff "behind the scenes".