I'm using XP. The problem is with the delay
feature in the macro. It calculates using
the default value saved in smart macro
instead of the value you enter in the field.
You have to add an addition delay in the
macro for calculation to update. The total
feature at the bottom is off and the delay
time along the left side of the macro timing
is not properly updating.
For instance I'm doing a wakeup alarm with my
ceiling fan light and my nightstand lamp.
When I add my delay. By default 00:05:00 is
selected by default. I change the value to
00:01:00 and press enter. The total at the
bottom and left still remain at 00:05:00. I
add my modules and set a brighten value of
10%. I then add an additional delay. The
default value of 00:05:00 is there. and the
time is now set 00:01:00 for the first delay,
00:05:00 for the second delay. and the total
time at the bottom is 00:06:00.
This is the easiest way for me to explain
without a screenshot.