It’s not your fault, X10 has release a
useless product; their install software is
pure garbage I found several files
mismatched and I had to manually uninstall
then reinstall all over again, every time
they release an upgrade they fix something
and totally mess up what used to work, how
this product can be any good, in less than
a year they have released over 83 upgrades(
oops bug fixes).
The CM15a clock is based on the CM11a
clock , the CM11a would crash once in a
while and loose the clock, the CM15 loses
the clock every few hours, under certain
macros combination I can make it crash
every time.
I finally got tired and ordered a 1132CUP
from smarthome; wow!!! , every macro works
as expected, I can create Event macros in a
way that I could only dream with AHP I can
get used to this.
One lesson to be learned if AHP with smart
macros and the CM15a were so good, why they
need to advertise so much?
. And why
every forum ( within X10 and outside of
X10) there is mostly dissatisfied