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Author Topic: XCam Quality  (Read 9484 times)


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XCam Quality
« on: January 18, 2005, 02:43:44 PM »

I am debating which cam set to go with
right now.  I had considered going with
XCam, but after reading through some
reviews I have been kind of hesitant due to
product quality and image/audio quality.

As for my setup,  my wife and I are looking
to stat out by placing 4 cams inside our
home (wired of course, specially looking at
the anaconda’s).  These cams would be
primarily used for the monitoring of our
children and babysitters.  We have items
disappear in the past in our home which is
the big reason for the monitoring and just
for the general welfare of our children as
well.  Built in audio is a big thing with
the XCams as well.  I want to be able to
record the video feeds directly to one of
my 6 pc’s as well.  Space isn’t an issue as
the pc will only be utilized for the cam
setup with a 200 gig drive (PC is secured
and locked in a cabinet in our bedroom

I guess my question is how do you feel
about the XCam setups?  Do any of you have
pictures taken from you xcam setup that I
could view for quality or perhaps even a
wmv file to see the audio and video
qualities?  This may help to alleviate some
of my concern.  Also, how long have you had
your setups and how have the cams held up?
Are they easy to route to a pc for
monitoring/stream recording?  Any input is
greatly appreciated.


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Re: XCam Quality
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 01:45:00 PM »

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