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Author Topic: battery power  (Read 8834 times)

That guy

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battery power
« on: January 20, 2005, 02:54:14 PM »

I saw another thread about wiring an X10 into a
car battery.

I want to use a car battery to power a wireless
camera in the yard. How long do you think an
average car battery would last before it had to be
charged again?


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Re: battery power
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2005, 05:01:50 PM »

I assume you are going to use the proper
voltage regulator and plugs. $35,00 to
I would us a marine battery ($75.00) it
well last longer then a regular car battery
($45.00). I use  mine all day on a trolling
motor on my boat so I would think it would
run for a few days, but to figure it out
exactly you need to do some math, Amount of
amps and volts needed to run unit and the
amount of amps and volts in the battery. I
would think by the time you buy all this it
would be cheaper to just run and out door
outlet. !00’ or less of in the ground cable
is not that high in price and a out door
outlet all should not be more then $75.00.
Not that hard to wire into the house or
another outlet near by.


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