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Author Topic: X10 Cams Qaulity  (Read 6555 times)


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X10 Cams Qaulity
« on: January 22, 2005, 06:44:34 PM »

x10 deleted my post. lol

i was talking about there quality of there


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Re: X10 Cams Qaulity
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2005, 01:05:53 AM »

Quality - I am not sure what you are
looking for but for what I paid I think it
is ok. I can see if any one is moving
around my cars and keep and eye on my dogs.
I think you have to look at where you place
your cams as to the quality of the picture
you get. They are not made for long
distance shots more of a close up around
10 -15 feet 20-25 feet I can still see kids
moving and my dogs playing in yard. They do
have cams that zoom up for close ups but as
with such cams they don’t come cheap. Like
today my son came over and as he pulled in
the drive it set off the chime and turned
on my drive cam and I could see it was his
car and him at 15’ away. To me it all ready
paid for its self because it got one of my
dogs before he got out of the gate, once
more it set off the chime and I got to the
gate before they got out. ($1200.00 Pyr.)
Yes a few false alarms but still worth the
price -from sensor, snow plows and school
buss. I must say I just don’t understand
what some people here are expecting for
$100.00  ( a close up of a flea on a
dog ? ) sorry no fleas here they moved
south to cold here and they better have a
shovel if they stay.


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