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Author Topic: Guarantee when buying and what to do if not happy  (Read 3597 times)


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Guarantee when buying and what to do if not happy
« on: August 24, 2005, 08:21:08 PM »

Just remember, when buying something it kind
of goes without saying BUT check on the
return policy. As i did when i purchased i
was not satisfied in the least, so everything
back to x10. of course i had to pay the
shipping but when you spend hundreds of
dollars on equipment its well worth the
10-20$ in shiping you have to pay to get it
back to them.

in regards to those that have purchased and
dont see anything as of yet (some people
purchase and its been 12 or 14 days) and if
you cant get a response from x10, you can
always call your credit card company and file
a chargeback. this means that the credit card
company will investigate for you on your
behalf. this also means, NO MATTER what the
reason is, once a chargeback has been filed
x10 will have to pay a service charge. this
also means that no matter how it is resolved
x10 pays the service fee for the chargeback
to their credit card processor.

Of course each credit card company is a
little different but there are regulations
that Visa and Mastercard put forth and they
must be followed.

So in the end just make sure your covered,
and if you actually like the equipment you
purchase great, if not, you have a "get back"
to cover yourself. Hope this little info
helps, enjoy
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