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Author Topic: advice on multiple cameras how to hook up  (Read 28745 times)


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Re: advice on multiple cameras how to hook up
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2006, 07:06:50 PM »

Dear frusrated,
The pan tilt base and camera share a common
power supply.Therefore if the camera is
off,the power is off to the motorized
base.If 2 cameras are on at the same
time,the video is overlayed.When a camera is
turned on,all other cameras are turned off
regardless of what house code they are on.I
use 2 housecodes and the cameras on both are
turned off.Mine came with 2 transformers,1
for camera only,and one for camera, base
combo.Check to make sure you got the right
power supplies and try using unit codes from
1 to 4.Also check if your cameras and
reciever are on the same phase in your fuse
panel.That can cause problems if they are
not.I had to put an X10 coupler in my panel
to get things working consistently.That's
all i can think of.
Good luck'


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Re: advice on multiple cameras how to hook up
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2006, 03:36:54 PM »

Do you need a receiver for each camera?
If not.. what additional equipment is
needed to be able to scan three cameras


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Re: advice on multiple cameras how to hook up
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2006, 03:43:56 PM »

Which camera could provide color images
during daylight and reasonable viewing at
night? outdoor application... Thank you


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Re: advice on multiple cameras how to hook up
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2006, 10:22:28 PM »

I have color and black and white.The color
cameras are useless in low light and would
require major lighting to work.The B&W low
light are decent but need 100W light close
by for any identification.If you have
microwave you only need 1 receiver for 4
cameras.Be sure to get the audio option.For
wired cameras,you need a switcher.The
computer option is useless as delivered and
would need major R&D to work properly.
In my humble opinion.
PS. I am satisfied with my wireless B&W low
light cameras and mounts.All things
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