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Author Topic: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working  (Read 41343 times)


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2008, 04:45:58 AM »

Thanks for the reply.
I have tried every possible way but still it's not working.
I have set up the House Code of all the Three; Remote Control, Security console: PS561 and PowerHorn Siren: SH10A to A. Unit Code of PS561 and SH10A are set to 13. With different unit codes like Unit Code of PS561 at 11 and SH10A at 9 too was tried. Tried to turn it on while alarm was going on and when it was off by pressing ON-OFF button repeatedly but the SH10A doesn't wake up. Thinking that I have got a defected PowerHorn, I bought two complete sets, yet to no avail. I wonder where I am making the mistake.
How do I know if PowerHorn is properly configured with Security console: PS561? If there is no connectivity how does the PowerHorn function?

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2008, 06:55:23 AM »

The powerhorn works on a X10 signal sent over the power line. Try it in a different outlet as you may have a problem with where it is located. You could try it in the same outlet as the console but if it triggers it can be extremely loud. Watch you hearing if you try this.
You must send the on and off at about 1 second intervals. If you use the console local buttons the address must be the same house and unit codes as the sirens address. If the console is alarming it sends an All Lights On All Units off sequence. In that case the house code must match.
Also if you send one On to the sirens address and then a dim or bright command is should ding with a bright and dong with a dim.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2008, 02:56:20 AM »

I have treid with different outlets. and tried with the same outlet that of the console. sent On and Off at 1 second intervals, Unit codes and House codes are set same. there is neither ding, nor dong.
for further assistance kindly PM me. I am in real trouble.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2008, 06:44:31 AM »

If they will not even trigger on the address set to in the same outlet as the console. They sound defective.
Do you have any other X10 modules that you can control with the console and do they work? That would show the console was sending x10 power line signals.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2008, 08:33:43 AM »

dheeni -  You don't list what Security Remote(s) you have.  You can only disarm the system with a remote.  For this test, I'll assume you have a KR10A KeyChain remote.  The SH624 also works for this, but remember the MS10A is only "armed" when you ARM-AWAY, when you ARM-HOME, they will NOT trip the alarm.

Back to the beginning.  For a test:
Unplug the console & remove the battery.
Set the H/C of the Console to "L"  and set the UnitCode U/C to "5"
Set a lamp module to L5. 
Plug a lamp into the L5 module.
Plug the L5 lamp module into a 2-plug wall socket - the same socket you're going to plug the console into.
Manually turn the lamp ON.
Plug in the console to the same wall socket. 
You should now have both the L5 module (with the light ON) and the console plugged into the same 2-plug wall socket.  Don't use extension cords or power strips.
Move the Install/Run-1/Run-2 switch to INSTALL.
Press the button on the back of the MS10A.  The console should "DING" and the first position's red LED should come on.  Set the 1-2 switch on the back of the MS10A to "1"
Press the DISARM button on the KR10A keychain remote.  The console should "DING" to indicate it was registered.
Move the Install/Run-1/Run-2 switch to RUN-1.  The top red LED (indicating where you installed the MS10A) should go out.
Press the ARM button on the keychain remote.  The console should "DING" and the red ARM LED should light.
Create movement in front of the MS10A until its red LED flashes on & off.
The alarm should sound and the lamp should go on and off.
If you've programmed the dialer, the console should make the call. 
If you do nothing, the alarm should sound for 4 minutes then stop & reset itself.
If you press DISARM on the KR10A, the alarm should stop, the light (L5) should be on, and the top red LED (where you installed the MS10A) should be on,and the ARMed LED should be flashing on the console.  Pressing Lights-OFF on the KR10A should turn L5, and the console's red LED's off.

At any time (except during an alarm) pressing LIGHTS-ON on the KR10A should light the L5 lamp (and all other lamps addressed to L5).

IF that worked - move the L5 module & lamp to a different socket and see if the KR10A Lights-ON & Lights-OFF works.  The console is picking up the RF from the KR10A and TRANSCEIVING the signal into PLC (PowerLineCommands) - and sending them out over its power cord and through your house wiring to the L5 module(s).  If you move the L5 module to a socket where the light DOESN't turn on & off either by the alarm sequence, or by pressing the KR10A's buttons, then you have a signal strength or a PHASE problem - (read about them elsewhere in this forum).

If moving your L5 lamp & module around works OK, set the address of the SH10A to L5 (same as the lamp) and plug it into a socket where you've successfully tested the lamp.
Put in your ear plugs!  No, I'm not kidding.
Arm the console and trip the alarm.  While the L5 Lamp is flashing on & off, the PowerHorn should start up.  Sometimes it takes a few seconds before it gets going.

If the PowerHorn is addressed the same "L5" and it's plugged into a KNOWN good socket (where the lamp did work), and if the lamp at L5 is flashing on & off - if the PowerHorn stays quiet, you have a defective PowerHorn.

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Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2008, 04:16:40 PM »

P.G. Nice easy to follow troubleshooting post.
A Thanks For The Help click from me.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2008, 12:31:11 PM »

Thanks for you detailed explanation.
Unfortunately the idea of trying Lamp Module too didn't work. Lamp lights up when it is plugged to the Module directly. The console worked well when followed the instructions. The only thing is that there is no connectivity between the console and the lamp module. Both are working individually.
You may note that I am not in States but in the republic of Maldives. Our standard Electricity Voltage is 230 but these units are for 120. Thus, I am using 230V to 120V converters to supply electricity. And also, I am using extension cords as there are no 120V socket outlets. Now, I am forced to believe that all this is due to the said converter. If so, pls advice how to get it working with 230V. I have bought 2 sets as below assuming that my first set had some problem. But am unable to get it going with the second one either.
Voice Dialer Console (PS561)
Compact PowerHorn Siren (SH10A)
Door/Window Sensor (DS10A)
Lamp Module (LM465)
Security Motion Detector (MS10A)
Security Remote Control (SH624)
Security Keychain Remote (KR10A)


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2008, 12:57:09 PM »

I'm not qualified to say (or even think of) how to figure out your issue.  I just know that if you can't get the light to flash, you won't get the PowerHorn to sound.

There are other guys here more qualified than I am who will help you.
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Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2008, 04:19:30 PM »

If the converter is a transformer that steps down the voltage from 230 to 120 it may not be passing the X10 signals. If it is a electronic circuit. It maybe making so much noise the signals are swamped.
Do you have any idea whet the converters consist of?


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2008, 12:49:49 AM »

Hello Brian,

The Label in it reads as follows
80WATT Max
INPUT: AC 110V 50/60Hz OUTPUT: AC 220V
INPUT: AC 220V 50/60Hz OUTPUT: AC 110V

The converter is a transformer that steps down the voltage. So, what should i do now?


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #40 on: October 31, 2008, 04:42:03 AM »

I have rectified the problem. It's all due to the voltage converter and I have managed to sort it out now.
This could have been sorted out long back if Ms. Jean of X10 did not misguide me initially asking me to buy transceivers which I did unnecessarily.
Thank you Brian and PG for your prompt responses and support.

Brian H

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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2008, 06:06:08 AM »

Glad you got the problem solved.


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Re: X-10 SH10A Powerhorn siren not working
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2008, 07:49:52 PM »

I have rectified the problem. It's all due to the voltage converter and I have managed to sort it out now.
This could have been sorted out long back if Ms. Jean of X10 did not misguide me initially asking me to buy transceivers which I did unnecessarily.
Thank you Brian and PG for your prompt responses and support.

Hey dheeni: I have the same problem here, how exactly did you fixed the problem???...
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