I have replaced the PR511 units at the
Southwest cornwer of my house and the North
facing addition apexfour times each. I have
used Quarts halogen lights on all five units
ever since I installed them five years ago.
The lights are 150 watts each and I have two
on each unit except the North faceing Apex
light, it has three.
The advertisment online said I could use QH
lights as long as I staye below the rated
watage. I tried using a relay rayed at 120v
10 amp but the induced resistance of the coil
seems to blow a transister and alow 97 volts
through a 220,000 ohm resistor which keeps
the relay energized at all time.
ANY help or ideas would be greatly
appreciated. I have access to latching
relays that will handle 2 hp 220 volt motors.
Idealy a solid state relay would be best, any
Norl JB