Yes as long as both motion sensors don't
send the signal at the sametime and that
both RF signals from both sensors reach the
tranceiver used to processs the RF signals.
Security code also fine, One thing maybe
undesired. If the security console and one
of the motion sensors both send at the
sametime. The signals maybe scrambled and no
A1 lights will light. Other thing maybe if
the console turns the lights on a motion
sensor if triggered also sends an ON; no
problem, but the motion sensors after a
preset time then send an OFF.
Secutity Motion Sensors only send special
signals to the console and will not activete
any X10 Address on its own.
I have many modules all on A1 controlled by
a computer controller an X10 Touchtone
Controller and an RR501 Tranceiver with a
few X10 RF remotes. Also have 2 chime
modules on A4. Also contrioed by the
Touchtone Controller and a doorbell sensor
through a Powerflash module.