I use X10 to control device for my home and
cameras and tings for my Home record studio.
And i had that probleme to have to many palm
or key chain controlor.
So i took oe of the many Home Automation
Remote (HR12A) that i'v received with many
bought and Glue a Paltic TAB into the slot of
the House Rotary switch, now i can use it to
control all 256 channel + dimmy property, i
have only 2 Hand held device one for Light
and device and one for the cameras (CR14A)
A digital unit would be GREAT!!! i would
like to Dial, SEE on a small LCD window wath
i just ask to be controled and then push a
button ACTIVATE!! or CANCEL!! it would be
very Awsome.
HEY!!! here is a new wish