I whole heartedly second the motion.

Playing sounds ought to be an internal function of ActiveHome/SmartMacros, and should not be at all difficult to implement.
It could be easily expanded to also include speech synthesis from Windows functions & playing media.
- I definitely think ActiveHome needs an internal function in SmartMacros called "Play Sound".
I expect there are internal libraries already in Windows that can be called to play sounds, as is used for system events.
- There is also a speech synthesizer that is likely only a library call or command away... If Flag, Funct_Say "Status Active" etc....
- Also if Windows media player can be called as full screen, "Play media" would be another excellent external command, but
eat a lot more resources in the process by loading WMP. It could be used with the Composite Video senders & VGA video senders.
I just bought OnAlert and can't play a WAV to tell me which house door was opened, or if my system is armed or disarmed...
This is of critical usefulness... The only option I have thus far is to set off the chime or a light or the Power Horns!!!
This simply won't do. I tried to use a 3rd party sound player, but to no avail so far.

Works fine from the command line, but not from AHP Smartmacros as an external command. I wonder why not?
I Will continue to mess with it...
I'm looking into X10 dispatcher, but this is severely overkill for what I want to do at the moment.
It looks like dispatcher is very flexible, diverse, and at first complicated.
It may become a server on a separate computer before I am done...
http://www.x10dispatcher.com/ Please guys, pick up the ball find the libraries and windows calls, and let me use AHP to call them!!
It would make your software so much more useful, and fun, too!
2-way module macro could check status, if on, say "coffee pot is ON"
Different doorbells if front or back door detects motion or DS10 is triggered.
It could be used with a timer to tell the kids to "Shut the door"
If no system speech call, could use sound recorder to make WAVs on my own, but still can't play them!!
It surprises me that this was overlooked. Playing a WAV is so basic!! Come on, guys!!! It's only a system call away!!!