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Author Topic: Add SWITCHLINC Devices  (Read 73811 times)


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« on: November 04, 2004, 07:49:50 PM »

Yeah, I know, X10 does not seem to sell
them directly but you know, mine are
great!  Put other vendor devices out there
for us to choose from...

coder since cp290

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2004, 07:55:55 PM »

I'd be happy with the ability to define "user
modules" for things like switchlinks and
lamplinks.  A few basic setting for "can be
dimmed", "responds to status", "send 'on' or

It would be nice if a "custom" module could
be configed for multiple addresses too..  for
things like an irramaster (lawn irrigation


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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2004, 04:20:45 PM »

Yes, please add Switchlinc or "Custom"

Also, add the capability of sending codes
that are the addresses only without
the "on" or "off" to  program the
Switchlinc switches.

ira l

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2004, 02:04:00 PM »

I've been a user of AH/cm11a for years now
and have always been aggravated by the
bright flash of light when I want to turn on
a lamp at a dimmer rate, such as in the dark
of early morning.  I recently purchased an
AHP/cm15a kit that works fine as far as it
goes.  It is easier to program and maintain
than AH or Smarthome.  But I still can't
stand the bright flash as explained above.
I also purchased several Lamplink modules.
Thankfully they are manually programmable
for ramp rate ON and OFF and also for turn
on level so they don't flash bright while
turning on.  PLEASE add Switchlink and
Lanplink to be compatible with AHP so you
can satisfy more customers who will buy you
other goods.

Mr. Automation

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2004, 10:49:58 PM »

Yep, I too would like to see Switchlinc and
Lamplinc support.

john winn

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2004, 04:16:18 PM »

Me too.  I have tons of X10 branded stuff
but also have a bunch of Switchlinc 8
button controllers and regular switches
which are two way.  Non of the switches of
choice are two way, please expand or let us
build our own with a custom switch.  If you
make your product more compatable with
other makers of X10 items that would widen
your customer base.  I would also like to
see the "big red button" added to the
sensor list.  I have a bunch of those that
I keep bedside, and in the laundry room to
turn on my how water circulation pump ect.
John ( been using since the BSR days!)


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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2004, 09:09:53 PM »

I for one am waiting to buy ActiveHome Pro
when it supports Switchlinc. Otherwise,
there aren't any features worth upgrading
from ActiveHome for me.

jim mcmahon

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2004, 04:47:47 AM »

I am ready to return AHP if I can't get an
answer as to whther AHP will support
SMartLink and other "more advanced"
products. Homeseer was actually not that
bad.   :)


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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2004, 07:28:19 PM »

Using the AHP SDK, is it possible send just
either a single Address or a single command?
Not just an address/command pair?   We
really need the ability to send say a series
of just addresses first then possibly a
command so that we can program a Switchlinc
or Keypadlinc, etc.

To program a key on a keypad linc, you have
to send either an A1 or A2 first to tell if
it you want it to send a single address or
command versus an address/command pair.

Bob BIgDick

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2004, 09:10:51 AM »

Is X10 going to support my
SwitchLincs ?????????????

Anyone otu there ????

dave w

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2004, 12:23:22 PM »

Question: doesn't SwitchLinc follow X10
protocols and standards? They are designed
to respond to X10 commands aren't they? If
they are not, how do you control them?
"This aftershave makes me look fat"


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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2004, 01:23:52 PM »

> Dave W    12/16/2004 09:23 AM
> Question: doesn't SwitchLinc follow X10
> protocols and standards? They are designed
> to respond to X10 commands aren't they? If
> they are not, how do you control them?

They do follow the standard and can be
controlled by X10 commands but they must be
programmed with the address to respond to.
There is a small switch you have to press for
like 5 seconds until the LED flashes.  You
then send it the address (house code and unit
code) you want it to respond to.  The switch
will memorize this address until reset.

To prevent inadvertent reprogramming, you can
lock all switchlincs using a predefined
series of just addresses, not commands.  The
disable program sequence is: M16, O16, P16,
N16, P16.   The enable program sequence is:
N16, M16, O16, P16, P16.

The keypadlinc switches have 6 or 8 buttons.
Each button can be programmed to send either
just a single address, a single command, or
an address and command.  In the case of the 6
button, the top and bottom buttons are double
wide and are usually labeled ON and OFF with
the middle 4 labeled with a room.   This
allows you to address one or more rooms then
send a single command, on or off; similar to
a maxi-controller.  The buttons can be
programmed to act as a toggle or be part of a
group.  Some versions of this switch have
built-in dimmers, some are transmitters only
with no switchable load.  Programming this
switch can be quite a chore.

When I did my home remodel a few years ago, i
used a bunch of these keypadlincs rather than
rely on the cm11a macros.  I did things like
A/C for all inside lights on/off, and B/D for
all outside lights on/off; and the regular
on/off buttons for controlling the lights in
the primary room.  

john winn

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2004, 02:32:58 PM »

CF, I have a question RE: the keypadlincs
you have.  I too have four of them which I
had in my old house and moved them over to
my new house.  I installed the first one
and it would not dim the locally controlled
light fixture.  When you press and hold the
assigned button, the light blinks off.  If
the light is off and you press and hold it
flashes but won't come on.  If you tap the
button it will go full bright or off but
the dim doesn't work.  I then installed a
second one in a different room and got the
exact same result.  I checked the wiring
and it is correct, and I removed all other
X10 items to make sure one of them were not
giving a funky signal causing the
keypadlinc to be confused.  I just can't
figure out why I have two doing the same
thing.  Tech support at Smarthome has been
terrible.  After three tries they finally
said "sounds like they are defective" and I
am waiting for a RMA.  But have posted
messages on automation newsgroups and have
gotten no response to speak of.  The lamps
are both standard incandescent fixtures.


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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2004, 03:43:04 PM »

> John Winn    12/16/2004 11:32 AM
> CF, I have a question RE: the keypadlincs
> you have.  I too have four of them which I
> had in my old house and moved them over to
> my new house.


Bad timing.  My wife had just removed the
incandescent light I had plugged into the
switched outlet so we just have appliance
modules in that room...  Okay, i was able to
verify that dimming does work as expected.

Are your four SwitchLinc's identical?  You
said you tried 2, do the other 2 work as
expected?  I have two non-load and one with

Perhaps you have set an improper dimming
rate?  Did you try to clear the Ramp rate
using the O16,N16,M16,P16,M16 sequence?

Maybe its programmed for a scene?  There's
also a scene ramp rate as well.

Assuming you have a 6 button KeypadLinc (do
they make 8 button with dimming?), are you
using the top and bottom keys?  Maybe you've
programmed them for something else?
Actually, after rereading the manual, it
looks like you can use any button BUT, you
must use the same X10 address and unit code
that was sent during setting of the
integrated dimmer's primary address.

Have you tried a hard reset?  Pull Set Button
out to remove power for 5 seconds.  Push and
hold Set Button 5 seconds then release.   You
will have to reprogram buttons but maybe that
will help?

Do you have the instruction booklet?  If not,
you can download from Smarthome's website.

john winn

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Re: Add SWITCHLINC Devices
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2004, 03:50:45 PM »

Hi CF,
They are eight button dimmable type.  I
haven't yet installed the other two
(haven't quite decided where I want them)
but they are all four identical.  Bought
them when they had a "buy one get one
free"  I have not done the dim sequence
change, but did a hard reset twice putting
it back to default, then setting the bottom
left button as the dedicated button for the
local load.  I read the directions several
times and seems it should work since there
are no scenes or anything left in them
right now.  I might try replacing one of
the two with one of the ones I have not yet
installed to see what happens.  This just
has me stumped, being I had them set up
before and they worked great both for local
and for scenes.  Had one of them in my
kitchen with three switchlincs all part of
a scene with several different lighting
modes.  Was pretty cool..But now can't get
a simple local dim to work...
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