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Author Topic: Dave W has a question  (Read 7247 times)

dave w

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Dave W has a question
« on: May 06, 2005, 01:25:31 PM »

I want AHP to be able to fire two separate
macros from one trigger. Execute one then
the other.

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Re: Dave W has a question
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 05:42:33 PM »

Can't you just combine all required steps
in one, or new, macro?

dave w

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Re: Dave W has a question
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 01:39:26 PM »

Hi Martin,
No I need to trigger two seperate macros
from one trigger address. I need two
separate macros because each has to check a
for a "permissive" before executing. The
permissives are different for each macro.
For example: I have inside and outside
accent lighting which I want to come on at
dusk. I want to be able to enable or disable
the exection of "Inside Accents" or "Outside
Accents" via the module status conditional.
The execution will depend on the state of
the two permissive switches which are in
the "monitored house code". The problem is I
can't trigger the two macros from one "ON"

Am I going about this wrong?

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Re: Dave W has a question
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 06:54:03 PM »

Got you Dave, that can be done using Smart
Macros and "Else" conditions.

Would be something like this:

Condition if “Module Status X” is On then
Run Macro steps.
Click “Else”
Condition if “Module Status X” is Off then
Run Macro Else steps.

Just keep in mind that when adding “Else”
steps, the macro will stop looking
for “Else” macros as soon as it finds a set
of condition to be true.

dave w

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Re: Dave W has a question
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2005, 02:05:02 PM »

Thanks Martin,

but I don't think that gets me where I want
to go. I probably didn't explain it well.
I want one trigger to run multiple macros.
I understand I can run multiple macros under
the ELSE condition. However my wish list is
for multiple macros to run from one trigger.
Based on what I read in the AHP and
Smartmacros manuals, and actually trying it,
one trigger can only run one macro. This
seems to be true even if I trigger from a
monitored house code.

Am I missing something, can a single trigger
run multiple macros, without resorting to an
"This aftershave makes me look fat"

donald mcmow

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Re: Dave W has a question
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 03:51:52 AM »

Dave: What triggers the lighting - a timer?
Or do you want to be able to use a single
remote to enable/dis-able the appropriate
lighting? I think you are trying to make
things a little too complicated.

Is there a particular reason that both have
to be triggered at the same time? If your
macros are triggered by a timer at a
particular time (say 8:00 pm or at dusk)
and you want to be able to disable a
particular light then use a flag command in
a macro to set/reset that flag. When your
light macro triggeres then it will do the
checking of the flag and respond from
there. You don't need to trigger two macros
at the same time.

You would need to create 6 macros:

#1 - disables the outside lighting (sets
flag #2) - triggered by remote.
#2 - disables the inside lighting (sets
flag #3) - triggered by remote.
#3 - actual outside lighting mactro -
checks flag #2, if turned off then the
macro runs. If turned on then the macro
doesn't run uses an else statement to turn
off flag #2 (so you don't need to remember
to turn it off again).
#4 - actual inside lighting macro - same
format as macro #3 but uses flag #3 instead.
#5/6 are the else statments automatically
created - turn the flags off instead of on.

Your timers then trigger macros #3,4 to
turn on as required. If you want to
manually turn on the lights when you want
to then set the macro triggers to the next
2 remote address buttons on your control.
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