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Author Topic: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews  (Read 203020 times)

X10 Pro

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Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« on: March 01, 2006, 04:16:28 PM »

This forum is a place to post your reviews of X10 products or kits. When posting, please try to provide the following information:

  • Name and model number of product or kit you reviewed
  • When you purchased the product
  • What you use the product for
  • Your opinion of the product (how well it works, how easy it was to set up, what you like, what you dislike, etc.)

The more detail you can provide, the more helpful your review will be for other people.


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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 10:17:44 AM »

Additions I'ld (complaints from customers) like to see:
Model PS561 Voice Dialer Console- order date 4/12/2006.

The ability to clear one trouble senser without having to clear everthing and start all over.
A programable keypad to arm and disarm.

Model KR10A Security Keychain Remote- order date 4/12/2006

Recessed arm and disarm button. When customers place the remote in their pocket or purse, the raised buttons can easily become engaged arming/disarming the system at radom. I got a big thumbs down on this and had to buy small carrying cases for the remotes.

tom j

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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 12:17:04 AM »

A better motion detector, the MS10A is prone to false alarms in the 1 movement mode and after buying the 8 pack I only found two that would reliably work in the two movement mode. I was actually able to clean my entire house with two MS10A's setup in the two movement mode and they never even went off! Out of 8 only found two that I would consider reliable, the rest would work occasionally. A comparison I like to use is would you buy a new automobile that had brakes that worked 80 or even 95 percent of the time?? Quality and product design is a real problem with some of your products and it needs to be addressed.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 03:21:02 AM by tom j »

tom j

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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2006, 03:11:11 AM »

Additions I'ld (complaints from customers) like to see:
Model PS561 Voice Dialer Console- order date 4/12/2006.

The ability to clear one trouble senser without having to clear everthing and start all over.
A programable keypad to arm and disarm.

Model KR10A Security Keychain Remote- order date 4/12/2006

Recessed arm and disarm button. When customers place the remote in their pocket or purse, the raised buttons can easily become engaged arming/disarming the system at radom. I got a big thumbs down on this and had to buy small carrying cases for the remotes.

Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been complaining about the remote for literally years!!!!!! why don't they listen maybe x10 will have to go the way of GM and Ford just like when they lost market share do to poor quality and not listening to the concerns of their customers, market share they will never get back. Changing the key fob is a no brainer.



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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2006, 07:54:53 PM »

I was about to buy a security system from x10, but after reading all the complaints and the long phone waiting time from those with problems I have decided this company is not the way to go.


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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2006, 12:45:48 PM »

I was about to buy a security system from x10, but after reading all the complaints and the long phone waiting time from those with problems I have decided this company is not the way to go.

Same here. Seems like there is a quality issue here that needs to be fixed on all their products. When purchasing something for security and peace of mind you want it to work well!!! Otherwise I might as well just not buy anything.

tom j

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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2006, 09:01:39 PM »

After sending my console back 3 times and my motion detector back at least three times I was finally able to hobble together a functioning system and I did have a break in and it did actually work luckily and the crooks got nothing!! but just look what it required I'm really not exaggerating these are the facts. If you luck up and get a good unit then you're fine but it's just the luck of the draw. I also bought a backup console a while back and to test it just left it plugged in and to be honest actually forgot about it until one day I came home and heard this humming and yep it was the console. I have a whole house serge protector system to protect my valuable electronics so I determined that it just died a few months before the warranty expired, guess it just didn't want to go quietly.  I was able to get another one which has been running a couple of years now with no trouble so I guess I can unplug it and put it away in case my main unit fails. To x10 credit they do offer a standard 1 year warranty and quite frankly you're need it and if you do decide to make a purchase get the extended warranty it's cheap insurance and with Chinese made products practically a necessity!! Best Of Luck

« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 10:51:50 PM by tom j »

tom j

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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2006, 05:26:41 PM »

I was about to buy a security system from x10, but after reading all the complaints and the long phone waiting time from those with problems I have decided this company is not the way to go.

In all fairness the x10 system I have foiled two attempted breakin's and if you don't buy an x10 system there are some key components that the system has that you might want to duplicate the first being the ability to flash some lights when your alarm system trips. I'm convinced that all the flashing lights once the system trigged is one of the reasons the thief's ran out the house empty handed. The console of the dx7000 sends out an all lights on all lights off command that flashes all x10 controlled lighting. My whole house has x10 lighting so when the breakin occurred by the way this took place at night every light in the house was flashing and I think practically everyone on my block mentioned that they saw it. That coupled with having 4 large powerhorns and I mean these things are loud! simply caught these guys by surprise I'm certain they never came across anything like it. As a matter of fact a couple of my neighbors said it looked like my house was alive! Now to accomplish the flashing lights and the activation of the power horns you don't specifically need a  ds7000 console it can be accomplished with something x10 makes called a Powerflash Burglar Alarm Interface (PF284). If you decide to install a hardwired system it can be added, if you get someone else's wireless system make sure it supports the flashing lights option. I would also suggest buying that three pack of large powerhorns. x10 runs that three for one deal every now and then and I also feel they were key in foiling their attempted breakin. But you're right quality is an issue and getting a good system is just the luck of the draw.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 07:47:19 PM by tom j »


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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 08:42:45 PM »

x10 DS7000 system has once again saved MY possessions this past Thursday...that makes 3 times in the last 2 years that my x10 has been triggered by attempted break-ins. My cell phone and my wife's have always been called. This time my cell phone was called, system reset itself, triggered again, called my cell phone again...that's when we called the police and they found where the attempt had been made.

One time a branch from a tree fell against our window where we had the GB10A glass break sensor...window didn't break but the alarm was triggered.

Call me stupid but I have total confidence in the DS7000 a matter of fact, I have 2 - DS7000 set-ups because I needed an additional 10 sensors.

Every window has x10 door/window sensors (with Sentrol Glass Break sensors wired in series with the d/s sensor), there are also 4 motion sensors, 5 GB10A sensors, 4 power horns, 2 motion flood lights and controlled lights to be activated by them.

I also wired an outside alert horn (one of the horn discs from an old console), that when I set the alarm from outside...I can tell it has been set.

Perfect system...hell no...however, it has proven itself to me...and after 3 1/2 years (SAME COMPONENTS except for 1 failed console) ...I'll keep using x10


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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 07:19:19 PM »

Hello All,
      I have had a couple of X10 wireless cams for around 5-6 years, never really used them to their full potential. But recently have been having problems with kids in the neighborhood. I called on X10 again purchased the Sentinel, DS7000, AHP, more wirelesscams, Ninja bases etc... Overall I am pleased. I am still dealing with some little issues but I believe time and effort will pay off. Also I have to give props to the guys that live and breath this stuff. Without them allot of us would still be in the dark. I have said this before as frustrating as it gets its all worth it in the end when that light comes on and goes off when its supposed to. And by the way since I installed the Sentinel  I have had no more problems (knock on wood) and as an added bonus I can check out the neighbor lady's nice butt down the block when she mows the yard ;D. The only complaint with the DS7000 is that the parrots have learned the beeping noise it makes when on delay arm. And they do it well!


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Re: Tips for Helpful Product Reviews
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2012, 06:01:14 AM »

nice tips  #:)...hope it will be helpfull  :'
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