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Author Topic: Camera Height /Distance?  (Read 20941 times)


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Camera Height /Distance?
« on: March 04, 2006, 02:49:56 PM »

I'm trying to figure out how high to place my camera.

I can't find anything in the docs that says what the ideal height/distance should be.

If I'm up 20 feet from the ground will the image size be acceptable?
Will the movement detector work?



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Re: Camera Height /Distance?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 04:30:03 PM »

This is a regular wired cam mounted 15ft off the ground just to give you an idea! ;) want more coverage a wide angle cam covers 3 times that. I can see my whole back yard if I mount it in the same position and point it to the centre of the yard. This is on a pan&tilt :)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 01:58:54 PM by Tuicemen »
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Re: Camera Height /Distance?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 08:47:49 PM »

If you are running cam only not cam with lights.
I run 5 cams and have found after three years of moving them around that one up and one down works best the second cam is under my eves of my roof, people see the one on the peak of my barn but never bother to look for the second one that can film there face,but if you are only running one cam and only want to see if someone is in your driveway/yard/front door I would keep it up 15 to 29 feet so know one can mess with it. Distance is the next problem you may run into. Because of the 2.4 Hz it can pick up a lot of interference from local home portable phones and you can’t seem to place two cams in a parallel line to each other my farthest cam is about 35’ from my base unit in my home. Your motion detector is separate to the cam and should send the signal to your alarm in the house and if you have a VCR set up it well turn it on and start to record.Also keep in mind these are low light cams not no light.

HA Dave

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Re: Camera Height /Distance?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2006, 11:17:38 PM »

I have four cams (a mix of brands) none are in easy reach (10-20 feet high). I like to set the cams to cover (see) the other cams, as well as the house. Of course that means I may never get a great "face shot". But I get plenty enough to recognize any intruder, and to figure scale (Height, weight).

Two cams are hard to spot one ISN'T. Plus I have four sets of floods lights on motion sensors. Additionally, lights (and a chime) come on inside the house (via the X10 floodlight).

I can see who is pulling in the driveway, check a noise outside, or just look around the outside. All from my easy chair. At the same time I think the system deters uninvited visitors.
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