I have a light over my kitchen table that is controlled by a standard wall switch, ws467, which has worked perfectly for almost a year. About three weeks ago it started tuning on and off sporadically and could not be turned on and off with a remote reliably. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't’t. I was thinking that the switch was going bad so I replaced it with a new one. Same problem. I then started looking for other causes. I checked a dimmer in the next room and discovered if I tuned it on the ws467 would work. I replaced the dimmer with a standard light switch. However, this still didn't solve the problem. I remembered that I plugged an old clock in a few days prior and also had a doorbell extended that was giving me trouble. I unplugged both of them and the problem went away for three weeks. last night the light came on by itself in the middle of the night. I started troubleshooting this morning and did the following...
Plugged the CM15a in to the computer and started the activity monitor. Everything looked good. Remotes showed up. No unusual activity. The light continued to go on and off by itself. I went around the house an unplugged everything one at a time and didn't find anything that was causing noise or signal sucking. I even took my doorbell transformer off power and turned off all of my outdoor lights. All of the other switches work, only this one will not work reliably. The light can be turned on and off by the switch however.
At this point I am convinced that there is a loose wire somewhere in the circuit that feeds the light or light switch. My question is, can a loose wire prevent signals from getting to the switch even though the switch will operate manually?