My experience with motion detectors (Eagle Eye and Active Eye) is that after you set the Video Commander to learn the motion detector and you remove one of the batteries in the motion detector to mount it via the included screws, it would lose it's 'live' connection with the Video Commander which then wouldn't pick up the RF signals from the motion detector. To get around that, I didn't remove the batteries after setting it up but instead mounted the motion detector with velcro, and now it works fine (over 80 feet away). I suppose you could put batteries in the Video Commmander and then take it to the screw-mounted motion detector to 'learn' the motion detector, but it seemed easier to use a big fat piece of velcro instead. This little problem drove me crazy and took me several weeks of troubleshooting to figure this out, so I hope this helps somebody, even though it may not be applicable in this particular case.