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Author Topic: Humidity Module  (Read 5946 times)


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Humidity Module
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:53:18 AM »

How about creating a humidity module.  Many people are worried about harmful molds in the house. This switch can tie into the household exhaust vents and when conditions are favorable for the growth of mold in the house then the exhaust fans will fire up.  This unit could also be tied into the remote temperature module, and the determination to run the A/C or fresh air would be better determined.  I live in the Mid-West, and we have this thing called the heat index, it might only 78 degrees outside but with the addition of the humidity it might feel like it is 90 degrees, thus the addition of the humidity module along with the temp module, and some fancy programming will make it easier to determine if it is better to run the a/c or to open the windows.  In the winter time when the air is dryer, the Humidity Module can help determine if individule exhaust fans need to be operated. 


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Re: Humidity Module
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2006, 04:24:21 PM »

Here in Canada we can get a module which will measure humidity and close switch contacts when the humidity reaches a specified value. These are used with furnace humidifiers in the winter, but there is nothing to stop you from using one of these with a Powerflash module to do what you want to do.
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