I'm new to your site, and quite honestly think the standard X10 sites are way too convoluted, overly busy, intrusive with pop-up marketing windows that just distract and don't help me make proper directional decisions. Strip off all the window dressings, make the technical background easier to find, put more effort into systems integration and setup schematics.
If you demonstrate what the product can do, with more examples that are a bit more out there than the standard turn on the light bulb examples...you might be surprised how your product would start to cross market itself.
I'm looking to do home automation, but include some solar hot water controls. I think your product will work....as I was initially thinking stand alone PLC's with ladder logic programming, I'm now thinking your product, with a relay bank control panel like stargate might be the best of all worlds?
Your new web site, is a lot easier to navigate, however it still is a bit primitive on the support side....from a technical standpoint. Perhaps a bit less marketing hype, and a bit more "systems" and individual "products" support would help......no, not perhaps, it will help. I did download the manuals available, but the individual products are pretty vague.
One specification I find lacking is the current draw per module. In todays world, products must be energy efficient, a no post of this specification is showing a lack of professional courtesy for overall power draw electrical designers.
Otherwise, keep up the good work....competition is tight in todays world.....nobody can tell you better than an educated customer what they really want in a product.