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Author Topic: Difference between X10 and Smarthome  (Read 4496 times)


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Difference between X10 and Smarthome
« on: April 12, 2006, 02:34:23 AM »

I started using X10 back in 1994, when RadioShack carried it.  At that time the product was great and I never had any issues,  I moved out and left the system at my parents house, they later moved and took the system with them and installed it in their new house.  In the meantime, RadioShack stopped carrying it (the fact that RadioShack carries an item) is a good sign not to get involved, remember the cue cat.  Remembering, my previous experiences with X10 and telling my wife about how cool it was, she got me the AHP for Christmas.  This setup performs worse than a system from 16 years ago and is still operating with just fine, and after spending  several hundred for this system and needing to spend several, I am interested if a competitor is offering a better system that is compatible with what I already own.  If not compatible, at least more reliable this way I can cut my losses and switch over.  The AHP system is easy to set up but the range sucks, with my old system I could probably be half-way around the world and lights would work. The CM15A range is so tricky,  I basically have 5 foot ring 15 feet away from the device, in which the device works.  If I am to close to the CM15 it doesn't work, if I am to far from it doesn't work.  The effective range of the remotes is about between 15 and 22 feet, yet with most of the slimline and slimfire remotes I need to be 5 feet away or else they don't work.  If I knew I was going to have to walk around in order to get devices to work, I could of saved some money and just gotten up to turn off the light.  I actually think I would spend less time turning off lights if I went to each fixture, instead of dancing around the house hoping I am in the right place for CM15A to receive the signal and praying that the lights switch off.

dave w

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Re: Difference between X10 and Smarthome
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 12:46:30 PM »

Do a search on this forum for "CM15A" and " range".

The CM15A has range issues, but there are some simple things that can be done which will improve the range.  (i.e. move CM15A away from computer. position CM15A antenna away from CM15A body, wrapping an 18" extension antenna to the CM15A etc).

And there's more!

If you are handy with a soldering iron and Dremel tool, and if your CM15A warranty is dead, then check out the "Project How To's" at this site

As far as X10 of 16 years ago working better than current X10, I agree. I don't think X10 manfacturing in China, is "tuning" the RF transmitter and receiver coils as they should. Maybe this is now reserved for the Leviton or X10 Pro brand (?).
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Re: Difference between X10 and Smarthome
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 02:34:46 AM »

Some of your suggestions include voiding my warranty X-10.

Brian H

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Re: Difference between X10 and Smarthome
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 06:52:40 AM »

You may want to try getting some wire and just winding a few turns around the plastic antenna shaft. Extending it longer. It may couple the signals to the unit and still not void the warranty. Also with the smaller remotes sometimes the antenna Horizontal helps.

dave w

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Re: Difference between X10 and Smarthome
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 12:12:48 PM »


No, I said "if your CM15 warranty is dead".

If your CM15A is still in warranty, try wrapping a longer wire around the existing antenna.
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