I simply want to turn an appliance on for 1 minute and off for 20 minutes forevah!...
...and you want to trust X10 to do this.
You can do this with AHP by building creating a dummy module say M1 and a matching macro M1
M1 macro
B1 ON; Where B1 is your appliance module
delay 1 min
delay 20 min
M1 On; By triggering dummy module M1 you call macro M1 again, starting an endless loop.
BEFORE YOU DO THIS, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU CONSIDER....- What would happen if your appliance were to run more than a minute? Say continuously for hours.
- What would happen if your appliance were to never come on for hours?
Both of these situations above can happen. I would even bet that one will happen in the life of product.
eg. Even if the X10 module were to never fail, remember that after even a brief power failure the module will return to the ON/OFF state it was before the power failure. Also what happens if a glitch triggers the local control turning the appliance module ON?
If you're creating a light display that's one thing but if you're trying to keep a small pond from freezing I wouldn't rely on X10.
X10 is a great product but there are too many variables too make it reliable for some applications.
How are you thinking of using it?