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Author Topic: XCam2 wireless getting no picture  (Read 9433 times)


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XCam2 wireless getting no picture
« on: June 23, 2006, 10:56:06 PM »

I've been trying for three days to set it up a XCam2 wireless system and I get no picture. I know this is not a new topic and that many others have had similar problems but I can't find a solution. I have the receiver connected to the video RCA input to the TV, and I have selected "video" on the remote "TV/Video" selector. I have placed the receiver and camera just inches apart with the antennas facing. I do have cordless phones and a wireless router but I have turned all off and still no picture. All I get is "snow." I have fiddled with the different frequencies (A,B,C,D) which has not helped. X10 support has not been of any help. I have checked the power supplies to be sure I have the correct ones on the camera and receiver. So, does anybody have a suggestion for solving this, apparently common problem? If I can't get it working in the next few days, I guess I'll pack it up and send it back. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I solved my own problem and now have  working camera . I plugged the RCA from the receiver to the input of the VCR. I tried going through the VCR before but for some reason plugged the RCA into the video output. Don't ask why. This time I used the video input and, presto, it worked. There's just one problem: I had to unplug the TV video input to the VCR. So, I probably can't record over the TV. I have a dual RCA connector, but when I used that the XCam2 image was scrambled. Guess, I just have to trade the receiver plug for the TV plug when I want to record from the TV.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2006, 04:02:23 PM by shoreline »
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