Alright, so I only tested a few hundred feet but the potential is there. This is my first post so I my be repeating something that everyone knows. I probably have, at least according to my wife, one of each X10 product on the face of the earth starting back with my reliable Radio Shack X10 units. OK, what have I done to extend my wireless distance. Since I live in Yuma Arizona where there are many remote ranches, I got the idea that if I took a few of my X10 wireless transmitters and receivers and chained them I could reach an infinite distance. OK, so I used a couple of neighbors porches power receptacles and sent excellent camera pictures approximately 300+ feet by chaining a Ninja Pan & Tilt with Xcam camera to an X10 receiver set on "A" channel, hooked by RCA video cable to an X10 transmitter on "D" Channel, and then into an old but, very good, Radio Shack receiver, and then by RCA cable hooked to a Radio Shack X10 transmitter back on "A" Channel, and finally by wireless 2.4G to an X10 receiver hooked to my TV set.
What would a Rancher in Yuma County do without electricity along the route? Well, I also have mounted cameras with my own 12volt battery packs to my Radio Controlled Hummer Toy. That means that the one mile stretch of ranch driveway to the mail box camera at the highway, he has installed every few hundred feet an X10 Receiver & Transmitter powered by a 12VDC rechargeable battery pack with the latest low cost Solar Cells for charging.
Hope I haven't wasted your time with my experiments. Please let me know if I at least gave you something to think about. It's lonely sometimes here in Yuma, except when the stage goes by, Wells Fargo that is.
Thanks for listening,
Robert, A retired Old Guy