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Author Topic: SoundPower Speakers  (Read 11146 times)

tom j

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SoundPower Speakers
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:16:17 PM »

Hi guys well I just ordered that SoundPower kit I remember when it was over a hundred bucks so when the bandit struck for 29.00 bucks well I just couldn't resist. Had that MP3 Anywhere and thought it was really nice, much better sound then I expected actually very good especially for the money so I thought I would give it a try. Just wondering if I could get an opinion on what speakers to use with it the unit only puts out 10 watts so what ever speakers you use they will have to be pretty efficient. Also could anyone comment on the sound quality of the unit I know the original one was over 100.00 bucks and they are now selling between 29-39 dollars so I'm wondering if this is really the same unit or if they have cheapened it in someway. Looking forward to your comments. Thanks for the help!

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