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Author Topic: Looping Macros  (Read 17780 times)


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Looping Macros
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:59:22 PM »

Has anyone experienced looping macro functions with version 3.204 ???  I set up a simple command structure to make the chime activate when passing by the motion sensor--works with no problem.  I then added a condition such as operate between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.  It's at this point that it continues to chime until I erase it from the CM15A.  I added a second condition such as operate between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. only on the weekend.  Same effect.  I restarted the computer and cleared the interface just to make sure there wasn't some nebulous situation occurring.  I didn't see any mention of this in the forum.  Any ideas ???

tom h
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 12:32:06 AM by TakeTheActive »


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 10:45:13 PM »

Has anyone experienced looping macro functions with version 3.204 ???


[Along with 100% CPU Utilization / Lock-Ups / Macros that once worked no longer working / All HouseCode 'C' Lights and 1 A/C (HC 'H') coming on in the middle of the night! / WIFE SCREAMING!!! >:(  :(  :o  ???  ::)  :-[  :'( ]

Although I have no concrete ideas yet, check my recent posts - I just upgraded from ActiveHome CM11A to ActiveHome Pro CM15A - WAF = BELOW ZERO!!!

Any ideas ???

None yet...  :(

I'm patiently waiting for X10 Pro #2 (*OR* a member of the Programming Staff - wouldn't that be grand!?!) to join in...  :(
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 12:32:47 AM by TakeTheActive »
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Re: Loopint macros
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 07:15:55 PM »

Conditional macros can be very confusing and frustrating to get working! treat the logic as if you were talking to someone just learning english!
You: throw me the ball
PC: I can't don't have ball
You: pick up ball and throw it to me

Can you post the offending macro?
Pics do Help! ;)

I've noticed while tring to help solve users problems that if I don't update my interface after fooling around in AHP (even if I didn't wish to save my work) macros stop working! Real Pain in the BUTT! I never had to do this in the past, WHY NOW? ??? ::)
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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 06:09:48 PM »

I have the same looping problem. I am using an X10 PHS01 Motion Detector to send a B11 code which triggers the macro to ring the X10 chime on B13 between 7am and dusk. 

When the trigger is sent, the system goes into a loop.  When I monitor the line, there is a constant series of B11-ON, B13-ON, B11-ON, B13-ON, etc. that will not clear until I clear the interface unit.  When I test the motion sensor by itself, it is working fine.

Apparently there is a bug in the Smart Macro software that can't handle the condition of a start & stop time.

A jpg of my simple macro is attached


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 06:38:45 PM »

I've not experienced any problems with the start stop times of a smartmacro ;)
 Problem is your code is being repeated! Do you have a repeater? there was a post on here of similar problem and it was caused by a smarthome device( think it was an amplifier but I may be wrong) ::) ???
Are you using other transceivers that are not configured properly in AHP eg: set as a transceiver not an appliance module!
are your other transceiver codes set as disabled in AHPs Hardware  Configuration?
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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 02:25:34 PM »

Thanks, Tuicemen, for your insight regarding my macros being repeated.  However, why does it only happen when I impose a conditional time constraint? If I just have the macro trigger activate a chime for 10 seconds and then turn off, it works fine.  Then when I insert the condition between 7am and 9pm, it locks up in a loop.  What is going on here?

Also is there any reason X10 does not have a real Smart Macro manual with some examples (the current download version of what X10 refers to as a "manual" is just a few pages of high level overview without any operational instructions or examples)?



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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2006, 04:05:40 PM »

However, why does it only happen when I impose a conditional time constraint? If I just have the macro trigger activate a chime for 10 seconds and then turn off, it works fine.  Then when I insert the condition between 7am and 9pm, it locks up in a loop.  What is going on here?
As one other user posted in another thread check the time frame as to what else is running at that time (tv,stereo,microwave, pc) all can cause interference) not saying that is the problem but check for noise it does some strange things to & with x10 signals! ::)
Also is there any reason X10 does not have a real Smart Macro manual with some examples
The manual needs to be updated! (even if it just state to check the forum for more info and examples) there are many things you can do with this pluggin that the programers never dream us end users would come up with! ;) :D The main problem is X10 is short on staff none there runs this 24/7 to realy know its true capabilities!
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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 08:39:46 PM »

Well, per the X10 guys I performed a hard reset with the batteries out and unplugged for at least 15".  I download everything again and it seems to work.  So far my conditions seem to work (don't perform a certain function between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays).  I'm waiting for the weekend to see if anything else occurs since it is defined as weekdays only at this point. Off the point, but I wish they would create a timer function that the user could define-say type in X hours to stay on and then turn off.  The current 4 to 4 1/2 hour limitation is a booger.  A countdown timer function to turn something on or off in a larger increment would be great.  Just try and find a timer which handles these functions and the possibilities are endless.  I have a mechanical timer which has an AC plug for an on and off function.  Plug it into one and it will turn something on in X hours or plug it into the other plug and it will turn something off in X hours.  All in the same unit no less.  Unfortunately, it has a 12 hour limit since it is mechanical.  I just want to be able to make a few clicks in the software and have the module do the rest.  Did I mention this timer I bought in Akihabara Japan in 1972!  This is the electronics area in Tokyo which has everything you can imagine.  Heck of a commute for me from N.C.



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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 02:19:07 AM »

I know it is late to add info about this subject. But I had a similar problem; talking to X-10 support did not resolved it but kind of sent me in the right direction. I have a working solution now. It only consist to put a 2 seconds delay as the first step in the macro. I discovered this by try and error, my solution was to put a 3 seconds delay in the first step, when I mentioned to X-10 support, they told me that 2 seconds would also work, I was kind of surprise (I thought that they knew the problem but did not wanted to tell us about it?????)  In conclusion I use a delay of 2 seconds now in all my macros in th first step. I tried 1 second and some of my macros are erratics.
My setup has only 12 devices and 14 macros now, since I added the DS7000 security system in the last month. Hoping that this solution will be helpfull to some of you!!!   


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2007, 04:17:21 AM »

I had the same problem and adding a 2 seconds delay to all my macors fixed all problems.  I am impressed that this is not documented any where is this forum. I did not really understand why this is the cure to many macro problems, I hope that someone can explain it properly. Tuiceman can you stop giving unrelated answer or out of the blue ideas!


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2007, 08:17:22 AM »

Just to add fuel to the fire - some times a delay will CAUSE looping.  This macro had a one second delay at the beginning (before the Prime Motion Control ON), and once it was removed it worked fine (as depicted).  The macro is activated by an Active Eye sensor and a modified DS10A/Universal module combination.  The hardware modification is in here some where in the forum (Author: Puck) and the software works fine, now that the delay was removed.

Sorry, I should have added a flag as a conditional: i.e. IF flag 5 is clear
Then: Set flag 5 before the Prime Motion Control ON, and clear flag 5 after the Prime Control OFF
« Last Edit: November 24, 2007, 08:59:29 AM by JMac »


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2007, 01:01:43 AM »

i am not so sure what you are saying in your message. Your first step in your macro those not have a delay in the very first step also in your message you are mentioning that you forgot to had a "set flag 5 on" and a "set flag 5 off" I do not really understand? What purpose those it serve to set a flag and clear it right after. Useless work to me!  Anyway all my macro are working correctly since I added the 2 seconds delay, I try with only 1 one second and I still had looping macros. I cannot fully explain why, but I would be more than happy to listen to anyone that can explain properly (not guessing but real facts, maybe someone at X-10 can do it).



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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2007, 07:11:01 AM »

The reason I don't have a delay in the first step is because this macro works !  Previously with a one-second delay at the beginning I got a delay.  That's why I didn't show it in this example.
As for the flag, it would prevent the macro from being executed by additional motion sensing from the Active Eye until all the steps are completed.  The fact that it is a number 5 flag is of no consequence really.  I used that number because it wasn't being used some where else.  I should have shown the flag steps in the example but didn't want to go back and repost a corrected image.
All I was trying to convey is that some times a delay can create problems.  At least it did for me.
Good luck with getting the REAL facts from "someone at X10".


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2007, 09:10:03 AM »

Perhaps this might be usefull to some of you.

After extensive testing (well fairly extensive) of this I have come to this conclusion about using conditionals and flags in macros.

If you are testing two conditions in a macro it is MUCH more reliable to put the test of the flag as the second test NOT as the first test. I have tested this with time ranges VERY extensively and it is a definite on my end. If I test the flag first and then the time range macro behaviour is quite erratic but the other way around and the macro works flawlessly.

So if you have weird problems with macros before you start fooling with a bunch of delays etc. check to see of you are testing flags first, if you are this could be your problem.

If anyone else notices this behaviour please post it here.


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Re: Looping Macros
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2007, 12:06:15 PM »

If you are testing two conditions in a macro it is MUCH more reliable to put the test of the flag as the second test NOT as the first test. I have tested this with time ranges VERY extensively and it is a definite on my end. If I test the flag first and then the time range macro behaviour is quite erratic but the other way around and the macro works flawlessly.

Thanks for share that RedIron. That's an interesting observation. I myself don't use any time conditions so I haven't seen this, but I'm sure it will help others troubleshoot some problems.

If you can, an example of a non-working macro and a description of what happens would be nice to see.

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