I wouldn't worry to much about the term newbie.
In my case I am kinda old enough to enjoy being called new anything!.
One possible answer to the non-posting newbie.
It takes a little time to figure out who's who. Finding the spell checked helped.
Also you don't want to offend those who are hopefully going to help you get this stuff to work.
Believe me, I work with this same kind of stuff everyday.
X10 is a lot harder to make work, mostly because the software works differently than you would expect.
I will tell you absolutely there is no way I would be able to make AHP work without this site.
I would have been frustrated long ago and walked away.
So if you want to call me a newbie go right ahead, I wear the title as a badge of honer.
It also allows me to ask Really dumb questions and get away with it.
I was also wondering how long it was going to take before I became something other than an newbie.
I stayed logged in for a couple of hours the other night while I was watching TV hoped it was a time thing.
I haven't gone looking for the rules and regs yet, just trying to get AHP working.
Where can I find things like that.