is there a limit of how many ms16a's can interact with a single RR501?
The way they are wired up for electricity is the meter connection is to the House and then there is a line that's ran from the circuit breaker in the House to another one in Building A then from there to yet another one in Building B. so its like this:
House ===> Building A ===> Building B
My question is if i put the transceiver in the House is there a potential for a chime in Building B to not receive x10 commands? if so will adding either an XPCP or XPCR help? and in which electrical panels would I install one in or would one need to be in all three(3)?
1. The RR501 can only transceive one house code, so assuming each of your MS16As use a separate Unit Code, then you would be limited to 16.
2. Yes, you may have both distance problems for the RF transmission, distance problems for the PLC transmission, and phase coupling issues.
From your description my guess is both your buildings are on the same phase (you said they are fed by one breaker - I am assuming it is not a 220V breaker) How far are they apart?
One suggestion would be a repeater at the house, and my recommendation would be for the flame thrower "XTB IIR" which cranks out more signal than the ACT 234 (another favorite of mine) and RR501As (and only RR501s since they are polite) at the house and in each building. A lower cost alternative would be to stick a Boosterlinc ( midway in building A and hope for the best.