Hey all. I live in a fairly average size 1 bedroom condo. Since I purchased my V572AB (4+ months ago) all my RF problems have been fixed. I managed to fix all my PLC problems first with filters and such so the problem is not there. I can control my whole house via my PC/large remote with no PLC problems. So on to my problem:
I have 3 MS14As-EagleEye Sensors (1 in each closet). Normally I would open the door to that closet and the light would come on, then go off after a min of no motion as normal. It worked perfectly for about 4-6 months now. Now all of a sudden, the closet sensor by the V572AB
works perfect but the 2 other sensors in the other closets do NOT work (or only work about 3-7% of the time). It's not a PLC issue, because if I bring the "bad sensors" closer to the V572AB unit and create motion, the corresponding closet light does go on (and after a min go off) as it should.
But when the unit is mounted in these "problem closets" (like it has been for months) all of a sudden now (last couple of days), the units do not work. What I believe is that it's either a problem with the transmit on the sensors to the V572AB
OR the V572AB receiving capability at that long distance (1 room away - less than 15 feet) is diminishingng smaller. Could my V572AB be beginning to fail or do we think the sensors are beginning to go bad? My condo is completely automated and everything else works perfectly...even my slimline wall switches! :/ However when I interchange any of the sensors in 2 of the closets to troubleshoot, it appears that the RF signal is not getting to the V572AB. I even tried the "good" sensor in one of those "closets" and the "good sensor" won't get to the V572AB. Could something be causing interference in those closets (RF-wise)? Nothing has changed in my home for a while now, so I'm not sure what is causing this. I hope I'm clear in my issue as I wish to have it resolved fairly quickly. This has gotten me stumped.

Any help or thoughts regarding this would be great!