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Author Topic: My House WORKS. Period.  (Read 37404 times)


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My House WORKS. Period.
« on: November 11, 2006, 10:31:13 AM »

Hi folks,

After MANY emails and MANY responses from "Eric Boyd" <> (thanks Eric) I now have MyHouse WORKING.

The trick was Eric told me how to delete my regisration file and RE-REGISTER with a generic registration number he supplied. Now all is working ( well I'm going to have to do something w/ the router - for now I am bypassing it. Edit: I didn't have to do anything with the Netgear router.)

So, if you are a recent purchaser, AND it says "..verify MyHouse registration.." from within AHP (and you can't connect) , then Eric can help you. See email address above.

And no, I won't pass along that number.

Boy that was fun....


EDIT: My GUESS is that newer registrations of MyHouse are not being propagated to the MyHouse "server", resulting in the error "...verify myhouse registration..". So an OLD registration number that X10 gave me worked FINE. Note that the error "...verify myhouse registration.." can also occur for other reasons per X10.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2006, 08:24:59 AM by glt »


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 11:34:59 AM »

And wow, it is cool. Have my camera on the other DIAL UP computer running AHP, this computer on cable - and can see my camera just fine.



P.S. I take whatI said back, no X-10 stuff will be RMA'ed. However.... ;D

(Sorry for any and all rants, now, in the past, and certainly in the future!)


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2006, 04:37:09 PM »

I'm sorry to report I too have been working with Eric.  He has been helpful but hasn't solved my problem.  I had the same error you did but I'm unable to resolve the issue.  I have even built a separate machine with XP SP2 for testing.  There is no other software except XP and SP2.  I still cannot connect.  I have tried installing on 3 different machines with the same results.  I hope tech support can get this fixed for me.  There is no firewall or anything else to prevent a connection.  I'm very upset at this point.

HA Dave

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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2006, 10:13:56 PM »

Boy that was fun....


I know that feeling! Home automation, isn't an out-of-box technology...yet. Set-up can... at times... be difficult. But thats what makes it FUN.
Home Automation is an always changing technology


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2006, 07:41:56 PM »

I just set this plug-in up and it worked "right out of the box!"    ;D

The only problem is that almost every corporate I.T. will block so I would not be able to use this from work. 

I will have to look at x10dispatch.


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2006, 09:43:15 PM »

Well I went through good old Eric and he had me do a bunch of bull-crap, which I had already did, if not a dozen times before emailing them, and I got no where fast. In fact all I got was a bunch of crap basically saying theproblem was on my end, which it isn't. I follwed their every step to a T, even went so far as installing everything on completely different computer, no router, no Firewalls, nothing, and still have the same problem.
  I started using X10 cameras and software a few year's back and would have been glad to have told anyone how good and kewl it was, until this chit. Now, I wouldn't recommend anything of theirs, let alone their support staff which has yet to even reply to my emails requests for assistance. All I want is for the dam stuff to work as it's suppose to and if they are having problems, than tell me that and not give me a line of crap and ignore a customer like this.
Larry S.
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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2006, 10:03:43 PM »

larry s:
In all defence of poor Eric did you explain what you had tried before he made you do it again?
So many of us have this running and running well!
What is different? ??? ::) ???
Are you on high speed?
Who is your ISP? Maybe others using them have the same issue! ::) ???
I understand your frustration So many Just give up but your still working at it and I admire you for it!
I know the issue will get resolved unfortunatly not soon enough for you!
Since you've installed it on another PC can you take that to a freinds and test it from their end?
Hopefully they have a different ISP!  ;)
Or possibly try one of the free ISP out there! ;)
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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 01:15:52 PM »

I will add my name to the mix.   I am attempting to setup MyHouse and get the same error that others are seeing.   The "status" panel is in a loop telling me to Re-Verify my registration.

I also had issues getting the OnAlert to download/install.  I called support to fix these issues and was immediately sent the OnAlert file.  Problem solved.

I got the big blow off on My House though.   Told the registration servers are fine...  the software was designed with firewalls and virus protection in mind.. so the problem is on my end.

They will "submit for next level support and someone will call within 48hours to schedule a phone call"

hmm..  this seems a bit BS to me personally.

I'm assuming the My House has its own server..  that server must Sync registration information with another server.   This is the odd part.   How can my AHP software verify registration of all my plug-ins upon start up, but the My House software be unable to connect?

How about x10 tell me the differences in how they talk.  Obviously thats the key!!

im going to try some things with and without port forwarding..  with and without Internet connection etc.  Will post a thread with all the different error codes.

I applaud those of you that have been using this for awhile.. and have it running "out of the box".   Unfortunately not all of us have this happening.

There is obviously a solution, just need x10 to step up and help determine what is causing so many of us to fail..   and so many are doing fine.

More later!


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 03:53:06 PM »

GLT,  If you are running XP pros, please post the two log files in your computer that can connect to Myhouse service successfully.
Here is the step to create those log files, also one questions in step 1:
(You may know how to create these log files.  I just list the steps here for others who may need them)
Step 1:  Start up computer fresh.  Click on START, Controll Panel, Windows Firewall
            Under General TAB I assumed only the button ON was selected.
            Under Exception TAB Do you have Active House Professional listed and checked ?
Step 2:  Click on Advanced TAB, Security Logging Settings...  BUTTON
            Check on Log dropped packets
            Check on Log successful connections
            Click on OK BUTTON
            Click on another OK BUTTON to exit Windows Firewall program.
Step 3: Bring up Active Home Pros
           Click on Myhouse, Status
           Click on Connect to Myhouse Service
           Wait for about 10 to 15 seconds
           Save this  status log page to disk.
Step 4: Back to Windows Firewall program and stop firewall logging
           unselect Log dropped packets
           unselect Log successful connections

Please Post the status log page file, and the pfirewall.log in C:windows directory.
Note: pfirewall.log is in text format, you can open it with notpad.
For others who run Windows XP and cannot connect to Myhouse service, you can do the same and then compare the pfirewall log file with glt's log file.



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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2006, 04:39:49 PM »


I believe the problem is that the myhouse servers don't know about (or like) your registration number. I don't believe the current people at X10 know how to fix this.

I don't use the XP firewall, just ZA. However I turned it on and connected to MHO and logged it. XP firewall asked if AHP was OK.

Can you tell me specifcally what you are looking for? I'm a little hesitant to post all that info.



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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2006, 04:53:13 PM »

I just want to see what going on with all the communication between AHP and the Myhouse Service machine.
In my log (which is failed), it look like this:
2006-11-13 18:22:05 OPEN UDP 1035 53 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:06 OPEN TCP 1042 80 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:07 CLOSE TCP 1042 80 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:08 DROP TCP 80 1042 40 A 3670713715 2099663519 6432 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:22:16 OPEN TCP 1043 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:25 DROP TCP 80 1042 40 AR 3670713715 2099663519 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:22:34 OPEN TCP 1044 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:34 CLOSE TCP 1043 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:51 OPEN TCP 1045 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:52 CLOSE TCP 1044 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:22:52 DROP TCP 443 1043 40 AR 3250709195 1994903166 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:22:55 CLOSE TCP 1045 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:23:04 OPEN TCP 1046 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:23:08 DROP TCP 443 1044 40 AR 1030100111 4068297247 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:23:11 DROP TCP 443 1045 40 AR 0 2447355570 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:23:24 CLOSE TCP 1046 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:23:40 OPEN TCP 1047 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:23:41 DROP TCP 443 1046 40 AR 845323973 2581069179 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:23:58 CLOSE TCP 1047 443 - - - - - - - - -
2006-11-13 18:24:14 DROP TCP 443 1047 40 AR 3216763644 2061123012 0 - - - RECEIVE
2006-11-13 18:24:31 CLOSE UDP 1035 53 - - - - - - - - -

I just wander what it look like if the connection is successful.


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2006, 05:34:07 PM »

How can my AHP software verify registration of all my plug-ins upon start up, but the My House software be unable to connect?

When X10 has verified your program registration, it writes a file on your computer. When AHP starts it looks for this file for registration validation.


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2006, 06:45:00 PM »


Hope I'm not buttin' in, but I was wondering what type of internet connection you are using?

Also, run a tracert on these three IP's and post the results:

Remember, It's always possible that one of the links/hops between you and X10 may be causing the problem. Unfortunately, without X10's direct involvement, it is extremely hard to troubleshoot and pinpoint the problem.

Also, I would like to see someone else's firewall log file that is having problems with registration.


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2006, 07:02:57 PM »

I have 2WIRE 1000HW gateway, and I am with SBC/AT&T ISP.
Inthe messages below:
My default gateway
My computer running AHP
Myhouse service from X10

Let me explain a little bit more on the log file I post earlier, since XP firewall only logged successful and drop connections:
I used another network monitor to see other information that I am adding to this post right now.

When Myhouse Online begin the connection It send out the UDP connection bellow to my 2WIRE gateway and ask for a server name "myhouse 3"
2006-11-13 18:22:05 OPEN UDP 1035 53 - - - - - - - - -
An UDP comes back from "Myhouse 3" with an IP address  (not logged by firwall program here)

Now Myhouse Online opens a TCP connection with port 80 to the IP
2006-11-13 18:22:06 OPEN TCP 1042 80 - - - - - - - - -

Why Myhouse Online closes this TCP/port80 connection here ?
2006-11-13 18:22:07 CLOSE TCP 1042 80 - - - - - - - - -

Myhouse 3 server responsed to Myhouse Online on port 80 (but too late, port 80 is already closed, It was dropped!)
2006-11-13 18:22:08 DROP TCP 80 1042 40 A 3670713715 2099663519 6432 - - - RECEIVE

Myhouse Online did what ever here is anybody guessing ...
2006-11-13 18:22:16 OPEN TCP 1043 443 - - - - - - - - -

I wonder what GLT log file look like if AHP making connection successfully to X10 server "Myhouse service"

edit #1: correct some typo in the myhouse 3 IP address (was, now
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 07:33:47 PM by X911 »


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Re: My House WORKS. Period.
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2006, 07:22:01 PM »

Sorry guy, my earlier response is for tjdavj, not rhunt.
tjdavj, what is tracert, where can I get it,  and how do you run it?
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