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Author Topic: ds7000 stopped making sounds suddenly  (Read 8900 times)


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ds7000 stopped making sounds suddenly
« on: November 14, 2006, 10:17:26 PM »

why would the ds7000 just stop making sound all of a sudden.   When I arm it, the sensors and motion are active and they do alarm via the seaparate siren, but the console no longer makes a sound.

It also does not make a sound when arming or disarming

and when set in run 2 it doesn't make a sound when a window is opened , anymore.



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Re: ds7000 stopped making sounds suddenly
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 11:09:47 PM »

It also does not make a sound when arming or disarming

As far as I'm aware, this is not a user selectable feature.
I'd have to say you have a hard failure in the base's chime circuit.
If it's still under warranty, you probably wanna get it replaced.
If not, at least it sounds like it still works for security, and hopefully the LED shows when it's armed.
But without the sound, you never know if it armed or disarmed when your standing outside.  ???
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