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Author Topic: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?  (Read 52472 times)

dave w

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Re: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2007, 12:39:58 PM »

Perhaps this has been stated and I have just not seen it. Maybe this will help: The CM15 will REMEMBER the state of all 16 devices in the monitored house code. It ONLY does this for the monitored HC. If a device in any other HC changes state, the CM15 will see the state change (and can act on it) but does not maintain any record or remberence of the change. For instance, if you have conditional macros where something happens based on the state of a device and a certain time, that device needs to be in the monitored house code. A text macro example might be: "IF A1 is ON AND it is 5:00PM  then turn ON C1". Say A1 got turned on at 4:45PM. For the macro to work, the A house code must be monitored for the CM15 to realize A1 was ON when it became 5:00 O'clock.  

I dunno if that helps or not, but the "remembering" is the important part for explaining the monitored house code.
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Re: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2007, 01:44:51 PM »

Perhaps this has been stated and I have just not seen it. Maybe this will help: The CM15 will REMEMBER the state of all 16 devices in the monitored house code. It ONLY does this for the monitored HC. If a device in any other HC changes state, the CM15 will see the state change (and can act on it) but does not maintain any record or remberence of the change. For instance, if you have conditional macros where something happens based on the state of a device and a certain time, that device needs to be in the monitored house code. A text macro example might be: "IF A1 is ON AND it is 5:00PM  then turn ON C1". Say A1 got turned on at 4:45PM. For the macro to work, the A house code must be monitored for the CM15 to realize A1 was ON when it became 5:00 O'clock.  

I dunno if that helps or not, but the "remembering" is the important part for explaining the monitored house code.

That does help also.  I am going to start to write more advanced macros, so I will keep this in mind.


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Re: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2007, 03:54:48 PM »

[Two months after the fact (I just discovered this thread today :-[ ), and I'd like to add my 2 cents and attempt to summarize the important, IMHO, points that were made separately...]


  • When you refer to a Monitored Housecode, think about a Monitored Alarm System. Someone (something) is keeping track of (i.e. REMEMBERING) it's current Status - TRIPPED/UNTRIPPED, ON/OFF.

  • When you need to know the current Status (ON/OFF) of a REAL or DUMMY Module *AFTER* it's been set, you need to use a Monitored Housecode.

    IF A1 is ON AND it is 5:00PM
    Then turn ON C1

    Say A1 previously got turned on at 4:45 PM. For the macro to work, the A HouseCode must be Monitored for AHP to that realize A1 was (still) ON when it became 5:00 PM.

  • If the Module Address is merely being used as a MACRO TRIGGER, there is no need for it to be Monitored.


  • When you refer to a Transceived Housecode, think about the origin of the word - Transmitter / Receiver. A Transceived Housecode is one that is RECEIVED (via RF) and then IMMEDIATELY TRANSMITTED (via PLC) (i.e. it's RELAYED).

  • If you currently have (one or more) Transceivers installed and you are KEEPING them, you DON'T want to Transceive that HouseCode in AHP.

  • If you currently have (one or more) Transceivers installed and you are REPLACING them with the CM15A, you DO want to Transceive that HouseCode in AHP.

Hope that helps... ;)
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Re: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2007, 10:57:28 AM »

This thread has been most helpful to me. I know it is an older thread but I am a newbie and am still on the steep part of the learning curve.

Using AHP and my cm15a I had set up a remote wireless sensor to an unused unit code on the same house code as my controlled devices (incandescent lights). the house code was of course set to be transceived. The sensors were triggers for a macro to turn on some lights. Which they did. Simple, right? Wrong. What I experienced was that when the 'OFF' signal came from the sensor it was turning off some lights--even though the macro execution was still not complete.

Now, I realize I could have set the sensor to stay 'ON' for a longer time, but that seemed to create other problems.

Thanks to this article, I've set up the sensors on a different house code which is only monitored, not transceived, and the problem seems resolved. The off signal still comes on to the activity monitor but there is no impact on macro execution.


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Re: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2008, 11:50:39 AM »

I just re-read this again.  Monitored HouseCodes -

Monitored is only used for conditions within macros?  As in if P12=ON - (assuming "P" is the monitored HC.).  And with On-Alert, if identified as an installed security device, they can be uses as conditions in addition to the monitored HC devices.

And to take it one step more - 2-way devices are a 3rd set of devices that can be used in conditions?

So.... you probably MONITOR the HC you set your phantoms to, right?

 -:)  (I feel so stupid sometimes....I've actually been wasting the monitoring function/capability and using only flags.....) :'(
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 11:58:09 AM by PajamaGuy »
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