Thanks for pinch-hitting on these
questions. I think my DSL has been messed
up the last couple days.
If you speak the attention phrase and don't
immediately follow it with a command, BXVC
will give you 20 seconds to speak a command
without having to repeat the attention
phrase and in the meantime it will respond
as you have asked it to under "How should I
respond when I hear the Attention Phrase?"
Also, when you set up your X10 modules, try
to give each module a different
housecode/address combination, that way you
can address each one individually.
When giving "human" names to modules I like
to get specific, like "Master Bedroom
Lamp", "Front Porch Light" or "Livingroom
Light" that way the name of the device
specifies the room it is in.
Hope you all enjoy BXVC and have happy
holidays if I don't post again before then
(and even if I do!)