Thank you, I'm doing my best considering
I'm trying to do this mostly with JScript
and whatever software and API's most of us
already have or can get for free.
As far as collaboration, I guess that
depends on what you mean. I'm always
interested in suggestions. I have already
added many new features, bug fixes and
such, suggested by users. I like sharing
ideas with other programmers about this or
any other projects. If you mean co-
authoring, e-mail me and we can discuss
it. I mean, I could use the help. This
thing has gone from a hmm... I wonder if I
can make these things work together?
project to having a life of its own (well,
not quite literally... yet?)
In conclusion, help from anyone is
appreciated but, I'm kind of a control
freak (what programmer isn't?) when it
comes to "my" projects. If you can deal
with that, let's talk.