Thanks to everyone who has replied and also Bill & Dave for your help in the chat room. I now have this working. In macro 1 (trigger B1) it would process correctly according to what I saw in the Activity monitor. Once the flag was set the first time thru the macro, it would take the ELSE path the second time thru and set C1 on BUT the C1 macro would not run (the chime never made a sound). The Activity monitor showed the C1 being set ON. Per Pucks suggestion, I put a delay into the ELSE path (see below) and also turned off a dummy module since putting the delay as the 1st step of the macro would always cause the else to execute when it shouldn't. So now, Macro 1 (trigger B1) looks like this. (the 2 statements in maroon are the ones I added).
Trigger B1 On
If D1 On And If Flag2 Off
Set Flag2 On (doesn't get turned off until Macro L1 below)
Set F1 On (turn on light)
Set C1 On (trigger for chime macro)
If Flag2 On (will flag2 be recognized as ON the 1st time thru this execution or not until B1 is triggered again for a 2nd time?)
OR D1 Off
Set P3 Off
Delay 1 Second Set C1 On (trigger the chime module)
Now, Macro C1 sounds the chime and all is well.
I thank everyone for their help and I also hope this helps someone else out. This shouldn't be this hard. It should have worked the way I originally had it. It's hard to debug AHP macros because your not sure if you have a logic problem or you are dealing with a quirk (read.....undocumented feature.......

) in AHP.
thanks again