............................ There is a General Forum Etiquette that states, "The forums are here for your enjoyment and as a way for you to interact with other X10 users ..."
I have always thought that the forums are a place where X10 users both
WITH and WITHOUT system problems can (sorta) meet. Discuss problems, fixes, ideas and be made to feel that they
(WE) are not all alone in home automation.
I think.... that is what
"Community Forum" actually means.
I know some people feel compelled to compile information as if it was a paper-base catalog of manuals and work arounds. And I don't want to sound like I am putting that down... because
I am not. But a Community Forum should be a fun place to meet, and discuss items of interest about home automation, security, entertainment and X10.
The contest is a hoot!!!! Win or lose I've had a ball competing! More would be great, but the prizes don't need be so grand.
The sentinel camera is awesome... top of the line. I would have had just as much fun competing for a ninja mount, video adapter, or DS7000 console.
Keep the contests coming!