I know this has been talked about before, but I did some searches and had no luck.
I got my AHP software yesterday and it installed without any problems.(XP home). I got the CM15a today and it installed without a problem. After installing a couple modules, I had no luck getting any response, so I deleted, then reinstalled the modules, Several times. It seems pretty straight-forward, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Doesn't it download the module information I created, to the CM15a at some point? If so how do I do that? How does it retain the information so I can use my remote with the PC off? I don't see anywhere where it downloads that info. But I can't get it to function from my PC, so first things first.
Anyways until I can figure out what I'm doing wrong, I still had my old IBM Home Director hardware, and software I got in 1997.
Now 3 computers later, I decided to see how that would work. So I installed it without a problem. I still was using the receiver unit with 2- X10 switches, and 3 lamp modules with my remote. That has worked all along, even though I haven't had the software on a PC for at least 8 years.
Well, I can control 3 things from my PC and remote(using Home Director). The others only work with the remote. So, I must be missing something.
A difference I noticed was my Home Director receiver has a nice metal antenna that extends up about a foot. I still think I should get some kind of response with the one I got today though.
This is my first post here. I'll keep reading, maybe something will stand out that I missed.