I'm digging into the weather section/option of this today.
I installed PCC on my notebook to see if installing on a stripped down system would make some issue appear for me!
It has brought some issues to light even some never reported.
Dan Lawrence You may be on to something there.
since PCC uses which ever version of ahscript and x10nets AHP has loaded.
Some users have little or no issues with AHP 3.236 while others have major issues.
I'm running 3.236 myself in hopes to weed out strange occurrences.
delta504 & Hawk1 try running PCC on a PC connected directly to the net(no router) that will tell you for sure if it is a router setting that needs to be set.
I myself never had to set anything different on mine for PCC but did for AHP and MyHouse.
In your router setup look in the advanced settings and under port forwarding or filters enable pas threw filters if that option is there.
systemdmusers that have issues with PCC not reporting X10 activity or logging usually are using a Transceiver other then the CM15A
If I remember
Hawk1 had this issue and resolved it.
If in AHP you have the option set to not transceive house codes I think you have to set it so it will then update the interface!
Hawk1 maybe able to chime in with the steps we took to fix his I know we spent many hours sorting it out!
In any case today is debug day

keep your fingers crossed gang!