On the strange stuff, I must agree!!
I have a VERY simple setup with a macro on a 24hr EE sensor to raise the kitchen lights, only if after dusk, by 30%, wait 4 minutes (this is the sensor delay) then dim 30%. It works off of a flag to know it's the one that did the dimming and the flag is cleared by a DuskSetupMacro.
So at Dusk, a macro runs to clear the flag for all macros, and set the lights accordingly.
When every sensor fires, they check the flag, if clear then fire, and set the flag. When the delay is over, dim the lights and clear the sensor. Simple and efficient, SO FAR!!!
Now, I get this strange issue where the lights now dim to zero and raise to 100 then dim to 0 then raise to 100 ... it's a "flashing" kind of thing ... anyone get this?!?