Totally lost as to what your problem is. I have gone so far as to run the Trial version of BVC and use a X10 address that is neither "Monitored" nor "Transceived" in AHP. Clicking the switch on in AHP, or even raising the brightness from 0% triggers the BVC listener.
What version of BVC and AHP are you using, and is BVC the Trial or Full version?
I'm using the newest Trial version of BVC from the website ( I'll end up buying the full version if I can get it working the way I would like it to. AHP version 3.235. Would where I have my CM15A plugged in matter at all? I have it plugged into a power bar.
Just to get this straight, I have a appliance module hooked up to the lamp an in AHP, set up an appliance module that when clicked on with the mouse, turns on. Then in BVC I have set up an appliance device and a listener that should say the phrase "The lamp is on", when it hears the A3 code. Is that the proper way to set it up?